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Because of the bombing at the arena and the new places to hide, there was no Bloodbath yesterday. Thank goodness, it's keeping you alive longer. But now, the only person visible is Lamina and I'm rather bored. To be fair, I'd rather be bored than scared out of my mind.

Since there's nothing to do but sit around and wait, I've decided to write letters to you until the Games are over. Then I can bring them to you for you to read. I hope you like them and don't think they're stupid.

I think I'll start by telling you about yesterday. You disappeared pretty much right away with your team. Unfortunately, we don't have video footage of the tunnels, so I had no idea where you were or if you were alright.

Lamina made the first kill of the Games. I think you'll be proud of her to know that. It was out of mercy for poor Marcus, but it was very admirable, at least in my opinion.

You finally showed up earlier in the evening to take food from Dill. My friend Felix, her mentor, thought it was a bit harsh. But Dill was dying anyway. I know you felt bad, and you and your allies need food. I won't hold it against you, but I think Felix will. Before you went back to the tunnels, I think you signalled to me that you were fine. At least, that's what I think the hand gestures were for. I'm going to choose to believe that.

We got sent home not too long after that. My parents were watching the Games. I think they only tuned in to see how their 'darling daughter's tribute' was doing. I'm glad they were because for some reason Sejanus was there. That's incorrect; I did eventually find out the reason. Apparently, back in District 2 (that's where Sejanus is from), they have this ritual where they sprinkle bread crumbs over dead bodies to bless them. Do you have a tradition like that in District 7?

Long story short, I convinced Coriolanus Snow (the dumb blond boy) to take me with him to get Sejanus out. That was a terrible idea. Remind me never to do that again. The only good thing that came out of it was I got to see you again. I promise I was there and not an angel. But seriously, why did you think I was one? I looked horrible. I can't thank you enough for saving me in there. I literally owe you my life. (I'm fine by the way, the doctors fixed my shoulder and gave me more medication)

Seeing you in the arena changed everything. For one, it helped me feel better about you. I got to see you, to touch you. You were safe, and that was all that mattered. I think I told you that, I'm not sure. Everything's a little hazy. I do remember crying in your arms. I feel selfish for it. You've been in there for two days at this point. I spent less than an hour and I made such a big fuss about it. I think part of me was relieved that you were alright, and that's why I was crying. I'm embarrassed to say that most of me was scared out of my mind.

I think I fell in love with you.

After not knowing anything about how you were doing, seeing you in person made me realize just how much I care for you. How much I need you. You've constantly been on my mind for the last two weeks, but now you never leave. It's difficult to put into words how I feel. I hope I can tell you in person once all of this is over. But until then, I love you. I love your hair and your eyes. Your smile, even when it's making that annoying smirk at me (don't stop, the smirk is really cute). I love you as a person, too; I've never been very materialistic. Festus tells me that's a very good quality I have. I shouldn't mention him. Again, you have my full permission to make fun of me.

Going back to you, I love the way you care for those around you— me, Lamina, and even Wovey, who you only shared a cupcake with. You're protective, but you're not afraid to let others protect you in a time of need. You clearly love your family, the way your eyes light up when you talk about them is really beautiful. I wish I was like that with my family. Not that I don't love them; it's just different. That's not important, though. As much as I hate to admit it (I'd never say it out loud, ever), I like your jokes. You're kind of funny, even if you're mean to me.

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