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Two days later, I stand in the Capitol train station, a bag of food for my tribute and his partner in hand. The platform is empty except for-

"Coriolanus Snow?" I ask. "What are you doing here?"

Like me, the boy is wearing his red Academy uniform. I had heavily debated wearing it, as I didn't want to frighten my tribute. But I have class after this, and I don't want to be later than I have to be. Coriolanus is also holding a white rose, maybe a peace offering for Lucy Gray Baird.

"Same as you," says Coriolanus. "Waiting for the train. Meeting my tribute."

"When do you think it will arrive?" I ask.

He shrugs. "Beats me. Already been here for two hours."

I frown. Coriolanus's clipped sentences and lack of eye contact suggests he is annoyed that I'm here. Annoyed that we had the same idea.

I take a seat on the bench, quietly waiting. After a half hour passes, Coriolanus reluctantly joins me.

Finally, after an hour of waiting, a train finally arrives. It's quite small, with only two cars. It's designed for cargo or livestock shipments, not human travel.

"Is that it?" asks Coriolanus.

"I think so," I say. "I think I heard a cry coming from inside."

Coriolanus shudders. I wonder if this gesture is in sympathy for the twenty four tributes, or from the thought of himself being in one of those cars.

The train sits for at least twenty more minutes before the first Peacekeeper arrives.

He unlocks the door, sliding it open, then bangs on the metal wall with his baton. ""All right, you lot, let's move!" he calls into the open door.

It takes a few moments for the first tribute to exit the train car. By this point, the Peacekeeper has opened the other door, and children have started to appear on the platform.

At last I spot my tribute, Treech Bradshaw, if I remember his name correctly.

His hands are cuffed in front of him, so he struggles a bit to step onto the platform. He turns to help the girl from his district, the tall red haired girl. The two nervously scan the train station. Treech stands slightly in front of the girl, clearly quite protective of her. I wonder if they knew each other in District Seven. I debate on approaching the pair, there's something about Treech that just makes me nervous.

Finally, I muster up the courage, slowly walking up to them when the Peacekeepers aren't looking.

"Hi," I say. "I'm Venus Abernathy. I'm your mentor for the games."

Treech looks up, his eyes widening a bit when he sees me. A faint blush appears on his tanned face. The expression of awe disappears after a split second, replaced by one of disgust. I offer my hand for him to shake. He stares at it with disdain and doesn't take it.

"Rude," I mutter, lowering my arm to my side. "Here, I brought both of you some food. I didn't know how much they fed you on the train."

I offer Treech the bag. He stares at it for a moment, then the hunger gets the better of him and he reluctantly accepts the gift.

"Thank you," the girl says softly.

"Are you her mentor too? Or just mine?" asks Treech.

"Just yours. I was hoping hers would show up, but it's just me and Coriolanus Snow," I say, a bit of venom lacing his name. I point out the blonde boy, who is talking to his tribute.

"Are you allowed to be here?" asks Treech. His gaze doesn't quite meet my eyes.

"Probably not," I say. "But I felt that you needed a good Capitol welcome."

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