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The remaining mentors meet early on Sunday morning to debrief last night's interviews. To no one's surprise, Coriolanus and Lucy Gray stole the show. Lucy Gray had sung yet another beautiful song, bringing many of us in the audience to tears. This had earned Coriolanus the most points for the assignment, but those of us who participated in the interview had also received a few.

Lucky Flickerman gives us updates on bets and sponsor donations. Tanner, Jessup, and thankfully, Treech, were all favored to win. But Lucy Gray had received the most donations. She had captured the hearts of the Capitol in ways that even Treech and his charms couldn't have dreamed of.

"Look at all these people," says Dr. Gaul. "Sending bread to a slip of a girl with a broken heart, even though they don't believe she can win. What's the lesson there?"

"At the dogfights, I've seen people back mutts that can barely stand," Festus says. "People love a long shot."

I roll my eyes. I'd told Festus time and time again to stay clear of the dogfights, but clearly, he never listened.

"People love a good love song, more like," said Persephone, smiling at Festus, who blushes red.

"People are fools," says Livia. "She doesn't stand a chance."

"But there are a lot of romantics," Pup says, batting his eyes at Livia.

"Yes, romantic notions, idealistic notions, can be very attractive. Which seems like a good segue into your essays." Dr. Gaul settled herself on a lab stool. "Let's see what you've got."

We spend the next fifteen minutes discussing our papers and our own experiences with war. The conversation dies after Sejanus brings up his life in District Two, and how, if not for the war, he wouldn't have left home.

After the meeting is finished, Professor Click takes us to the Capitol News station to see where the Gamemakers worked and prepared for the Games. We're shown the prototype drones that use facial recognition technology to bring donations to the correct tribute.

Once the tour is over, it's nearly time for the Games to begin. We're ushered outside for a quick lunch break on the steps to the building. I decide to sit alone, I'm feeling quite anxious about the events to occur in the next few hours, so I don't really feel like talking.

"Is anyone sitting here?" asks Persephone.

"No," I say, moving my bag to make room for her.

She takes a seat next to me and places her lunch before her, but doesn't eat.

"You're not hungry either?" she asks, indicating my untouched sandwich.

I shake my head. "I think if I eat, I'll just vomit it back up," I admit.

Persephone laughs softly. "Me too."

We sit in silence for a moment, absorbed in our own thoughts.

Persephone finally speaks. "It's hard to watch them go. I mean, I've become rather attached to Mizzen. He tries to act tough around Coral and the others, but he's just a sweet, scared little boy. I brought him dinner before the interviews last night and I found him crying in the corner of the enclosure. He tried to play it off like it's nothing, but it's not nothing," she says, looking down at her meal.

"I know what you mean," I say.

Persephone meets my eyes. "You two seem like you grew close," she says. "Your interview last night brought tears to my eyes. I mean, the way he looked at you, it was so romantic."

I roll my eyes. "It was not romantic, Persie," I complain.

"It totally was," she insists. "He looks at you like you're the sun and he hasn't seen daylight in years."

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