|09. the party (CC)|

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september 1st, 2022

Caitlin Clark really hated parties. She tried to convince herself things would change this time, but they didn't. So, she sat, miserable as ever, around a small, shoddy table in a frat house surrounded by her teammates and friends.

"I hate this." She yelled into Monika's ear, barely able to communicate over the blasting music.

"Then why are we here?" The blonde spoke back. In full honesty, Monika wasn't very fond of parties either, but she wasn't going to miss an opportunity to see Caitlin and Angelina out together.

Caitlin went silent, taking a sip from her cup. The drink wasn't nearly as inebriating as she'd hoped it to be. Mostly because it was Sprite. Caitlin was the designated driver after all.

"Ohh." Monika laughed. "This is about Ang. We're here for her."

"Can you please shut up?" The brunette whined childishly. "Not everything I do is for Ang."

"But this is."

"Shut up." Caitlin muttered, cup pressed against her lips again.


"No, actually, shut up."

"What's shakin' bacon?" Angelina grinned ear from ear as she and her sister made it to the group. The younger Martin, clearly drunk plopped down next to Caitlin, holding onto her tightly as if she were life support.

Monika could only conceal her grin by pressing her own glass up to her face from next to the brunette. She rested her head on Molly, who sat on the other side of the blonde.

"You smell." Caitlin screamed into Angelina's ear, only to ensure she could hear her over their environment.

"Oh, wow."

"Of alcohol, Ang. You're hammered."

"No, I'm not. I just wanna dance. Come dance with me, Cait." Angelina stood up, weakly pulling the star athlete's arm.

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