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narrative, messages

august 15th, 2022 


"So...how's that girl? What was her name? Leanne?" Monika questioned, sitting at her locker, just right of Caitlin's.

"Me and Leanne broke up last week, Mon." Caitlin responded, unfazed, eyes fixated on her phone.

"Is that why you're stalking Angie's page?" The blonde grinned, snatching the phone out of her friend's hand.

"Give it." Caitlin moved quickly, trying desperately to get her phone out of the forward's hand.

"Cait...you're at a post from 2017. How far did you scroll?"

"To 2017, apparently."

"Oh my god..." Monika grinned when the realization came. "You have a crush on Little Martin."

The brunette scoffed. "No...no I do not. I simply think she is conventionally attractive and a very great person."

"So...you have a crush on her." Monika deadpanned.

"No, I do not."

"Yes, you do." Kate didn't need to, nor did she want to, hear more of the conversation. Without a second thought, she dropped the book down on one of the film chairs just outside the locker room, ready to go now more than ever.


The Martin sisters' ride to Angelina's dorm was awfully silent. Kate was too in her own thoughts to strike up a conversation with her younger sister. The older Martin sister had nothing against Caitlin, except for the way she loved. Kate despised the way she used a girl for a week or two before claiming she "didn't feel the spark" and ultimately breaking up with the girl before moving onto the next. It was infuriating knowing her sister could be next. As she pulled up to Angelina's dorm after about seven-ish minutes, Kate was ready to get out and follow her sister in, as she almost always did.

"Where are you going?" Angelina furrowed her eyebrows as Kate got out of the car.

"To your dorm?" Kate questioned, as though it shouldn't be a question at all.

"Shit, I'm sorry. I thought I told you I had some extra reading to do for my business class before classes start next week." Angelina apologized, looking apologetically at her sister.

"It's fine." Kate responded earnestly, closing her car door again. "It's my fault I forgot how much of a nerd you are."

"See how much of a nerd I am when I'm graduating with a business degree."

"Still gonna be a nerd!" Kate called out as she put the car into drive and drove away. As she drove away, her smile faded into a frown. She couldn't explain it, but she just had a bad feeling. Mostly revolving around one Caitlin Clark.


Late that night, Kate was up on her phone, stalking Kaia's instagram page as she normally did. Her heart fluttered just as tad as she saw a new post on Kaia's spam page. But, her emotions were put back in check when she saw the photo. It was Caitlin and Angelina, laying too close to each other for Kate's liking, quite literally clinging onto each other as they slept peacefully.

Kate was hurt.

Hurt that her sister had lied to her, hurt that Caitlin would even think about using Angelina like that. So, in her pain ridden state, she made a decision.


(kate & angelina)


so ur busy for me but not for caitlin?

little fucked up don't ya think?

free therapy

(kate & caitlin)


you need to stay away from my sister

the last thing i need is for you to break her heart

author speaks

i want to write long chapters
so bad but school is literally

murdering me. (i'm in 3 ap
classes and had to drop the
fourth cause it was too much)


please vote and comment i

love reading and responding 
to them they always make my
day <3


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