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Elena and Lucy are cuddling in the bed, Elena's head resting on Lucy's chest as Lucy runs her fingers though her hair

Elena: Lucy, who was that man in the road?

Lucy: I don't know, darling. Do you remember anything else about him?

Elena: I wish. I never really saw his face. He was wearing a hoodie. All I can remember is that there was these black boots coming towards me.

Lucy: I brought you some vervain for you and Jenna.

She grabs a box from the bedside table, Elena sits up.

Lucy: I made this bracelet for Jeremy, few extra ones for friends.

She hands Elena the bracelet. She takes it and observes it.

Lucy: You can put it in jewelry, or you can even put it in food or drink, but as long as it's in you or on you, a vampire cannot control you.

She hands Elena a small vial of liquid vervain.

Elena picks up a dried up branch of vervain from the box

Elena: Wow. So much to remember.

Lucy: With another vampire in town, I want to make sure no one can control your mind or anyone you care about, darling.


Out in the front courtyard, Elena and Caroline are walking across the lawn together. Caroline is observing the necklace around her neck which Elena just gave her.

Caroline: It's so pretty. Thank you. God, it'll go with, like, everything. What's the occasion?

Elena: No occasion. Just a little friend gift.

They sit down at a table

Caroline: Lesbian friend necklace because we're freaky like that

Elena: Your friendship is important to me

Caroline: Spill the beans.

Elena: Spill about what?

Caroline: The sex with Lucy? How was it?

Elena: Honestly..........

She smirks wiggling her eyebrows.

Caroline: That good?

Elena: Oh it's the best.

Caroline: Would it be so bad if we all shared her? I mean she's said she's polyamous. If I have to put up with Vicki then so be it, it'll be worth it.

Elena: I'm down for it.


Vicki is dangling her legs over the side of the couch while Lucy is at her desk signing paperwork.

Vicki: So Elena's adopted? I never saw that coming.

Lucy: Yes so it would seem, Love.

Vicki: Doesn't even count the top ten considering my girlfriend's the Devil. Is her parents aliens?

Lucy(chuckles): No

Vicki: I have to go to the store. My outfit for the dance is severely lacking accessories.

She leaps off the couch and sways her hips approaching her, she leans down gripping her chin and smashes their lips together. Lucy grabs her waist yanking her down into her lap. Vicki gasps but snakes her arms around her neck.

Vicki: Luce......

Lucy kisses down her jawline to her neck, tilting her head back sucking marks into her neck. Vicki tilts her head back further moaning softly.

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