Chapter Eight: Sexy in Disguise

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Y/n POV:

I had put on my wedding ring for good luck, yes, I had found it. I didn't actually look for it, Merlin did, and she refused to tell me where. I just brushed it off though. I stood leaning on Arthur's horse, with my spear stabbing the ground, and my legs one in front of the other. I had some old female armor. (You choose just make sure it has full face covering) I watched as Hendrickson spoke with Arthur. Merlin gave me the okay to go wander off, and I ran through the town. I saw Diane in the distance, but with actions come consequences, and the price to pay for masking my presence, was I couldn't feel anyone else's. I sighed, finding Meliodas and Gowther running through the streets. I stood two exact blocks away from him when he said, and I quote: "This would be a really good time for Melissa!" and Gowther agreed, stating "Her skill of tracing humans would be very peculiar in this situation. I decided I'd try it. I took off the presence masker for 6 seconds and found where Elizabeth was. Then, I masked it again. Meliodas had frozen in place, shaking. Gowther kept running. Meliodas turned to face me, but I had already been running, and was in a very good hiding place, INVISIBILITY! Hahaha! "Y/n?" He whispered.  I laughed, before continuing to Elizabeth. Once I was far enough, I was visible again. I stood face to face with elizabeth and held up a sign for her to be quiet. She nodded as I snapped, and we both were in armor. "Ivisibolu~" I whispered, and help up 2 fingers. I had her on my back and dashed out of there. "Stay like this until the spell wears off." I said, before pressing my palms firmly on the ground. "Trisect..." I say, digging my fingers in the ground, this would take a lot out of me. All the demons, or new generations, in a 60 mile radius, have been indented. I spit at the earth, and the demons shrivel up and go back to humans. Because... Indeed, my spit is poison! I put my helmet back on as the spell wears off, and I almost faint. "Save yourself from now on." I said, pushing through the light-headedness. I grabbed my spear. and took down remaining threats. I saw Elizabeth's healing bubble soon after. I stalked my way there. I saw them almost die, and Meliodas pulls a revenge counter, but Hendrickson is not done yet. With all the courage I could muster from within the forest, I stare at the demon. "Illuminating beam." I mutter, and Hendrickson perishes. I wink at Merlin as most people cheer, but Meliodas skeptically looks around, so do his fellow sins. I see Meliodas and the King of Liones talking, Meliodas' voice laced with confusion. Elizabeth was explaining about me. I pretend to be a holy knight, and as soon as the sins head back, I run into the forest. I strip myself of the armor, and look my my stomach, where his mark should be. The pain from those two attacks kicks in, and I turn back into Melissa, and let the land of overwhelmness take me over.

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