Chapter 5

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"So you all must be wondering why you're gathered here. Here's the answer. I'm Detective James Steward," James said to the staff. "He did it! He murdered Rose McKenzie!" Said Slim Jim, a pointed eared fairy, pointing at one of the servants. "Shut up Jim!" A thin tall man chided. He stepped forward and bowed. "Detective Steward, I am Henry Cavendish. I apologize on Slim Jim's behalf.  You see we've all been deeply affected by the passing of Ms. Rose. However, though what happened it a tragedy, it doesn't not require with your.......assistance. We'll find a much more suitable detective for this "mystery"," He said. 

James looked at Henry then took out his cigar, beckoning the butler to lit it. Butler henry did and James breathed out in the old man's face. Henry coughed for a while and James replied," You should sign up for the opera, for how long that speech was. You're an actor from the Globe Theatre correct?" James asked. "How did you......." "I guessed mate. Listen, you didn't send a bag of money to my house during my daughter's birthday, your boss did so shut it," He snapped. Henry blinked several times then slinked back in line. 

Muttering rude, he spoke, "That contrivance aside, who found the body?" He asks. "I......" An elf maid steps forward but stopped. She glanced shyly at Henry who glared at her. "I did, sir," She spoke up. "Your name?" He says next. "My name is Maria, sir," She said. "Thank you Maria. Henry, did you see anything suspicious on that day?" James asks him. Henry crosses his arms. "No. The only thing suspicious is you, Detective," Henry responded. "Thank you, Sir Merlin," He saluted. "Wha-Sir Merlin?!" Henry cried, flabbergasted. "Did any of you see anything weird?" He asks the rest. No one spoke. "Thanks a lot," he muttered. "You do realize that if you keep quiet, the killer gets away to kill again?" James spoke up. They all looked at another. "I think it's time to leave detective," Henry smirked. James bows. "Of course, Sir Merlin," He says. 

Emma and Lynette come down stairs at that moment. "Ms. Lynette!" A maid gasps. "You're walking?" Henry said, horrified. "And that's a bad thing?" Emma says to him. Henry clenches his mouth shut. Emma narrowed her eyes at him.

Something about him was off. 

"Well, my plan worked. I'll be back tomorrow to do some actual investigating," James promises. The three sisters all embrace Lynette. "Welcome back to the living, Lynette," Jo smiled. "It's good to be back," Lynette said happily.  She turns to Emma. "You'll be back, right?" Emma nods. "I'll be here," She smiled. The two girls embraced, the sight making Henry to clench his hand into a fist. "That's enough," He said, glaring at the detective. "Emma, let's go. We've overstayed our welcome," James glared back. Emma nods at her father and waves Lynette goodbye. Henry unclenched his fists as they leave. 

The car arrives and they all exit the vehicle. "Goodbye, James," Jedidiah waves at them. "Goodbye James' family." James narrows his eyes at the man. He tips his hat and boards the vehicle. Jedidiah watched with glee as the automobile leaves the premises. 

"I've seen such an angry man," Charlotte commented. "Indeed. Now you all can never call me Mrs. Scrooge again!" Louise says. "He seemed really anxious to get us to leave," Thomas argues. "Daddy, what if Mr. Cavendish is the killer?" Emma suggests to her father. "He clearly has a hold on the servants," Mary ponders. "He obviously told them to keep quiet about the whole thing. Which is bad because it's not helping me," James pinched the bridge of his nose. "That Jedidiah guy is creepy," Charlotte shivered. "Charlotte, a creepy man does not mean anything," Louise rolled her eyes. James started to think to himself. This wasn't like the Doctor Death case. This wasn't an attack on England. This is was an attack on family. Something he did not approve.

A/N: I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. What do you think sleuths? Is Henry the killer? Not even I know. Oooh! The plot thickens. 

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