Chapter 5

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Wen Popo and Wen Qing showed the two left-handed young men. How to bathe their young baby boy. How to change little A-Yuan. How to hold him when being fed. How to burb him. Not to hold him his asleep. Not over feeding him. Not to pick him up every time, little A-Yuan cries. They made sure that they understood. She would chide them when they don't listen and do exactly what she told them not to do. But the cherry on the cake for her was when Lan Wangji actually glared at her. Glared that icy glare, and she gave up, and she told them that much, and that menace she calls her brother just threw his head back and laughed.

Lan Zhan and Wei Ying were sitting in the courtyard with little A-Yuan. Who is  sleeping peacefully in Lan Zhan's arms as the two fathers look on lovely.

"Lan Zhan, who's surname should we give him?."

Wei Ying asked, and Lan Zhan turned his head towards him.

"Wei. Wei Yuan."

Lan Zhan said softly before he turned his head back towards the sleeping baby in his arms. Tears form in Wei Ying's eyes as he heard Lan Zhan's words.

"Lan Zhan, are you sure. I do not want people to discriminate against our son as he grows up. Why don't we name him Lan Yuan?. That would be more suitable. "

Wei Ying said. Wen Ning were sitting to the side watching and listening to their conversation.

"No, we will not. A-Yuan will be a Wei. He will carry Wei Ying's legacy. He is Wei Ying's just as much as he is mine but more so Wei Ying's. Wei Ying had raised him in his previous life and protected him for as long as Wei Ying could."

Lan Zhan told him, and Wei Ying could not stop the tears from rolling down his face.

"Lan Zhan, thank you. Not only for this but for everything. You don't know how much it means to me. Maybe after all this is sorted, we can go and find a place far away from the cultivation world and raise our little radish far from the hate that so easily consumes people's hearts. What do you think?."

Wei Ying asked as he looked between Lan Zhan and A-Yuan.

"Mmm. I would like that very much Wei Ying. "

Lan Zhan answers without any doubt or questions.

"Fine, we will do it then."

Wei Ying said with a teary smile. They stood up and made their way towards their room to lay A-Yuan down. Wen Ning watch them leave.

'Master Wei, you deserve all the happiness and love in this world. I may not be the fearsome ghost general anymore, but I will gladly protect you just as you have protected my family. I am just glad that you can finally see and expect that even you deserve to be loved. I am happy for you and Lan Wangji. You already are showing how much you love A-Yuan and what you will do to keep him safe.'

Wen Ning thought to himself. He has been thinking a lot lately, mostly about what happened after his sister was burned to death and what they did to him.

'He is not a vengeful person, but whatever A-Ying is planning for the sects, he will not feel sorry for them. They deserve everything that's coming'.

Wen Ning thought. He does not feel like that timid young man, nor does he feel that he is. Even if it is peace that he desires for his family, he also would like to see those punished for their crimes.

The night of the victory celebration that was held at Nightless City. The engagement between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli was reinstated just as before. Sect Leader Jin then told them about the Yiling Loashi and how he had murdered his disciples in cold blood just because they were following his orders in assembleling the Wen so they could stand for the atrocities they have committed against the sects.

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