Chapter 1

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He slowly starts to open his eyes which is not their usual grey but they are blood red.He gave his head a shake and the last of the haziness of the sleep left him. The first thing he realise as he finally being fully awake. He felt a warmness he haven't felt in years. A warmness that should not be there. He pulled himself into a sitting position. His hands were shaking as he laid them on his lower daintian. That's when he felt it. A core. He has a core again.

Tears flowed down his face. He never thought that he would ever feel one again. Not within him. After he gave his to Jiang Wayin he missed his core. He will not lie even though he does not regret it at the time giving it to him. He missed this warmth. He missed it. But how he wondered. How did this happened. He closed his eyes and concentrate on his spiritual energy. It's there and it's spinning so brightly and it's strong even stronger than his old one. He opened his eyes again and slowly blew out a breath he did not even realise he was holding.

"Ohk I got a new core. It's power that much I can feel. Now can someone please tell how da hell that happened. Am I going crazy or what? I don't think so it's there I can feel it. Maybe the gods finally started to love me and thought to bestow this precious gift upon me. Yeah it must be it. Arg who are you kidding. They hate you. Look what they did. Not even let you die in peace."

He spoke to himself. He climb out of bed and make his way over to the basin to wash his face. He came back into the room and started to get dress. His eye caught the small box that was sitting on the table. Confused he walked over and looked at it that's when he saw the note attached to it. Upon reading it he was even more confused as he picked up the small box and looked it over before putting it down again. He will have to eat something before he opened the box.

He walked towards the door and slide it opened and stepped outside before sliding it close again. He walked towards the stairs and made his way down. Once he entered the dining area he made his way over to the reception area. He does not even realise that people are looking at him with close to fear in their eyes. The inn owner came over to him and stopped in his tracks the moment he looked into the young man's eyes.

The young man looked confused as he saw the shock and fear on the man's face and he asked.

"Are you fine sir? Why do you look that?".

"I...I am sorry young master if I have offended you. Is there something I can do for you?".

The inn owner asked a little bit scared.

"It's fine sir. Could I have some breakfast and a jar of wine send to my room please."

He asked.

"Of course young master. I will get on it right away."

The young man thanked him and made his way back the way came. When he reached his room he could not help but to wonder why the inn owner looked so scared so he made his way over to the mirror and almost scream. He close and open his eyes but it stays the same. He knows that color. The Yiling Loashi. That's when he realise that he does not think that his life from this point forward will be the same.

'You will be known from now as the Yiling Loashi. Wei Wuxian is dead'.

The voice of a woman rang through his head. A crooked smile graces his lips as he looked in the mirror. A soft knock on the door made him looked over and he let the smile dropped as he walked over to the door and slides it opened. The owner handed him the tray and he thanked him before sliding the door close again. He walked towards the low table and place the down on it before he dropped himself on the seating cushion.

Once he was done he turns his attention back to the small box. He stood up and picked it up. But before he opened it he put a locking and silencing spell on the room. Satisfied he went back to the low table and sat down. Putting the box on the table before him. He had read the note but is he really ready. He guess he never really will be.

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