Chapter 4

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Zewu-Jun had watch his brother leave with the Yiling Loashi and anger bloomed in his heart. He hands were balled into fists beside him as his right hand tighten around the hilt of his sword. Because of that man his brother had suffered. Had defied his own sect and their rules. Rules Wangji had grew up with and followed all his life. His brother never stray from the righteous path. Not until he met him. He will have to  talk to his uncle to get Wangji away from him before his brother suffers even more. His uncle will not be please when he learns that Wangji let with that demonic cultivator. He thought as he makes his way into the hall.

Jin Guangshan who had swept in after the death of Wen Rouhan that won the allies the war. Without consulting the other tired sect leaders who actually took part in the war. He took it upon himself to organize a victory celebration that would be held in a weeks time. He thanked the allies for fighting hard to won them the war. Promising that the Jin sect would be more than willing to lend a hand to each sect that was effected by the war. Finial aid will be given so that they could start rebuilding their sects. That went well over with the sects. They praise him for his generosity and his good heart. Not knowing that he already is laying the ground for becoming the new chief cultivator.

Huaisang listens as his friends name already being spat with disdain and anger. He listen as they talked and already making plans on how to reel the demonic cultivator in. How they will teach him his place. He was silently vibrating with anger as they go on and on. These people clearly don't know who they are dealing with this time around because if they did. They would be pleading for mercy and not talking all this crap. He could not help but to wonder. When. When will you show them. When will you show them who you really are. When will you show them that the young man who was not willing to spill their blood. This time will have no remorse in doing so. That you will spare no one who had taken your family away from you.

"Da-ge can we go home?. We have much to do before the victory celebration."

He said and Mingjue looked at him and nodded his head. He said his goodbyes to sect Leader Lan and the others before he and his brother left.

Many started to leave. They were tired and wanted to go back to their sects. Jiang Wayin and Jiang Yanli also left for lotus pier.

Wei Ying and Lan Zhan woke up the next morning. Both were physical tired from the previous night. They both grieved and cried about they had lost in their previous lives. They fell asleep in each others arms exhausted. So it's understandable when they dress in silence and walked down the stairs in silence. They had their breakfast also in silence. They only noise were the chopsticks against the bowls. When they were finished Wei Ying couldn't take it anymore so he break it.

"Lan Zhan?".

Lan Zhan looked at him and said.

"I am not going back. Do not asked me to Wei Ying?."

"That's not what I wanted to asked you and I don't want you to go back."

Wei Ying answered him with a small smile.

"Good because even if Wei Ying should have suggested it. I would not have go back but rather roam the world as a rogue cultivator."

Lan Zhan said seriously.

"Lan Zhan than I will be by yourside traveling this world as a rogue cultivator after knowing and making sure that my family is safe from that vultures. What I wanted to asked you. Is will you be going to the victory celebration that Jin Guangshan is probably planning."

Wei Ying said as he looked at Lan Zhan who had a small frown on his face but he didn't answer immediately.

"I do not think I want to go nor do I feel the need to sit in one room with that people knowing what they are planning and what they are willing to do to get it. I also don't think that I can be in my brother's and uncle's presence anymore. I have done my duty to them and gusulan sect. My only wish and desire now is to stay by your side. To go where you go. To fight side by side with you. Go on night hunts with you. To show you everyday how much you mean to me and how much I care about you and your happiness. That is all I ever wanted and it's still all that I desire."

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