Chapter 2

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Meanwhile, in Starling city, a certain rich teenager was visiting the Queen's club. "Hello, I'm here to talk to Oliver Queen." Thea looked up from what she was doing to see a handsome young man causing her to blush. Roy, seeing her blush, walked over to her.

"Who's asking?" The boy just smiled annoying Roy but making Thea smile back at him. "I'm Bruce Wayne, pleasure to meet you." Bruce held out his hand to shake, but Thea and Roy just stared at him before Roy said that he would go get Oliver.

Meanwhile, beneath the club, the Arrow crew was training, Digger and Sarah were sparring, Oliver was sharpening his arrows, Felicity was doing something on her computer, and Laurel was just hanging out.

"What is with billionaire security being so easy?" The Arrow crew turned around to see a 15 or 16 year-old just standing there looking extremely bored. "Like honestly you have all this money and you can't buy an actual lock, much less a good one."

Oliver sighed and Felicity plopped back down into her chair. Digger and the Lance girls looked shocked to see them so comfortable in the girl's presence. "You know this girl," Laurel asked, how are you so comfortable with her breaking in. "We learned a long time ago that Cat doesn't knock.

"Hey Oliver, some guy's here, looking for you," Roy said. Once he saw Cat, he stopped and asked who the hell she was. Before anyone was able to answer his questions they heard a "Oliver!" Bruce walked down the stairs making everyone watch him wondering how he found it. "Hey Bruce." "Hey Felicity."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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