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Rantaro's POV

I found Kokichi on campus outside near the park. Kokichi likes going here a lot. I had to ask, "Hey Kokichi! I'm dying to know allllll about the date! Tell me the juicy details." Kokichi stayed silent for a few second before telling me all about what happened. He told me about the little kid. Them eating. Him being better than Shuichi at everything. How he fell asleep. I can't believe Shuichi lied so easily. Kokichi did refuse to tell me what they were doing in his dorm. I got most of the details. Kokichi would not tell me what they were doing in his dorm. I asked, "Soooooooo what were you doing alone with Shuichi in his dorm?"

Kokichi's POV

"Soooooooo what were you doing alone with Shuichi in his dorm?" Rantaro asked. He had a smirk on his face. I knew he was implying something dirty which made me blush. I hid my face as soon as I saw the smirk. He then teased, "Kokichi did you guys fuck? No need to be embarrassed about it." "NO WE DIDN'T STOP SAYING THAT," I screamed in his face. He was laughing so hard. I was so mad. Then I saw Kaede and Miu  walk out of Miu's dorm. "Hey Grape menace what happened with Shuichi yesterday? I'm just soooooo curious," Miu laughed. Grape menace? Is that the best she could come up with? "Well some stuff happened, but I we didn't fuck like some whore and pianist," I commented. "W-w-whore? Wait nvm We didn't fuck! Kaede said no. And I actually respect her," Miu blurted before keeping her mouth shut. Kaede looked embarrassed from my comment. I eventually folded and told Kaede and Miu about everything except after I woke in Shuichi's dorm I said bye and went to my dorm. They didn't even notice I was lying. Rantaro thankfully kept his mouth shut. I would've threatened him anyways. I checked the time to see it was 1:30 pm. "Hey Rantaro wanna get lunch? Kaede and Miu you can come too," I said. They all  nodded and followed me to a nearby cafe. "Table for four please," I chimed. The receptionist said, "Ok right this way!" We all follow her before ordering our drinks. I got grape Fanta, Rantaro got boring black coffee, Miu got Vanilla Coke, and Kaede got pink lemonade. She got it to us quick. The cafe was pretty empty since most people already had lunch. We continued eating a talking. I asked, " Hey Kaede do you have any advice for well me and Shuichi?" She giggled, "wellllll I have a few pointers. 1 He can't read your mind don't expect him to know what you are thinking. 2 just go for it you will never know what happens if you don't try. 3 my final tip is be yourself don't feel to be different Shuichi likes you for you nothing more or less." Kaede gave some good points. She was definitely waiting for this moment. We ate before I went back to my dorm to take a nap. I wanted to see Shumai later.

Shuichi's POV

I saw Kaede, Miu, Kokichi, and Rantaro eating lunch together. I was jealous for only a moment. I waited outside. Kokichi head out early leaving his part of the bill down. And skipping to his dorm. I waited for Kaede to walk out. She finally walked out with Miu. "Uhm Kaede could I talk to you alone please?" I said. "Sure you probably need someone to talk with. You need help with your love life right?" Kaede predicted. "Y-yeah," I mumbled. "Okay Miu love ya bae! C'mon Shuichi we are going to the library," She said. Me and Kaede headed to the library. "I'm surprised you haven't asked me what happened last night yet," I said. "Kokichi told me. Kokichi asked me for advice too! I just have the best advice," Kaede bragged. I sighed, "Yes I know your advice is amazing. Now can I please have some advice?" Kaede agreed before giving me advice (she gives Shuichi the same advice she gives Kokichi.) I thanked Kaede. I was gonna leave before Kaede said, "Kokichi told me what happened, but part of me feels like he left something out of the story." Kaede took a deep breath. "Could you tell me what he left out?" Kaede pleaded. I said, "let me discuss with Kokichi real quick." I walked to the little room connected to the library. ( I forgot what it is called lmao) I called Kokichi a few times before he responded. "Heyyyyy Shu do you need something?" Kokichi teasingly asked. "Ahh yes I do sooo, Kaede said you told he what happened but she could tell you left something out and I don't know what to say to her," I explained. "I see I see Well I told her what happened, BUT when I woke up I left. I told Rantaro how you lied and stuff, but not what we were doing. Rantaro isn't mad and he hasn't said anything. I can just head to where you are. Btw where you at?" Kokichi responded. "Library," I quickly mumbled. Kokichi hung up. I went back to the main library room. "He's coming rn," I told Kaede. "Even better! I'm so excited to see you being lovey-dovey! ahahaha," Kaede giggled. Kokichi kicked the door open. He said, "Hey nerds I'm here!" Before sitting down.

903 word (except this) sorry it took me so long to make this.

Saiouma story ❤️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang