
Start from the beginning

"Do you guys think i'm good enough for her?"

"What?, of course you are. What are you talking about?" my mother replies to me when my parents look in shock with me.

"I'm-, the words that Kate's sister are still in my head."

"Look, her sister said horrible things to you and you don't have the believe it Lando, you are good enough and you always will be and she is also so so good for you because Kate would never use you for fame or money." my mother replies and she looks right into my eyes.

"Thank you mom, I needed those words." I say back before I give them a big hug once again.

"Hi miss and mister Norris." Kate says some seconds later when she also hugs my parents.

"Oh hello honey, you look beautiful today." my mother says with a smile to Kate.

"Thank you miss Norris, you also look amazing tonight like always." Kate replies with a smile.

"Awww thank you honey, here are some flowers for you." my mother replies once again.

"You really didn't had to miss Norris." Kate says back in shock when she sees the flowers before we all go inside and go to my appartement.

"Honey, I know you don't like this at the moment but you can always come talk to us when you need to talk about the situation of today." I hear my mother saying to Kate when we are standing in the elevator.

"That's very sweet miss Norris, I will remember it but I just want to think about all different things during the holidays."

"I absolute respect that honey." my mother says right before we step into the appartement but Kate stops right in front of the door.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask unsure to Kate.

"Yeah I just needed to breath good in and out because the table over there." Kate says honest back when we look both at the table.

"I get it, take your time papaya, I will wait here next to you." I say back to her when I walk to her, take her hand and stand next to her.

"Please papaya you don't need to do th-."

"No no, I want to be here for you." I say quickly back and we stand there together for some minutes.

"Okay i'm ready for it." she says after some minutes and we walk together through the door.

"You did it papya girl, i'm proud on you." I say into Kate's ear and she looks proud back at me.

"Thank you for being there for me once again." she replies when she gives me a little kiss on my cheeck.

"You're absolute welcome papaya girl." I reply back before I put her closer to myself and our noses teach again.

"Hihi Lando you have to wait for our kiss and cuddle session when everybody is gone." Kate says with a giggle.

"That long?, I can't do that." I smirk back before I kiss her soft on the lips.

"Sometimes I can't deal with you papaya."

"Yeah i'm not easy to deal with." I laugh back.

"No shit sherlock." she laughs back before we go hand in hand to our family members.

"So how is your job honey?" my mother asks to Kate.

"Everything is so much beter, I feel more happy then ever before." Kate says back with a big smile on her face.

"I'm happy you found an amazing job honey." my mother replies with also a big smile on her face.

"Thank you very much, how are you doing?" Kate asks back to my mother.

"Oh we are doing good honey, we can't wait for our holiday together." my mother says when she looks at me.

"It's been to long we did something together and i'm happy we will have holiday together like before."

"Hope you guys have a nice holiday together." Kate smiles back.

"We will for sure honey." my mother smiles back.

"Honey, why can't we let Kate join our holiday?, I mean Savannah goes years already with us so maybe we can let Kate join too?" I hear my mother asking some seconds to my dad and when I look at Kate, I see she is absolute suprised.

"That's the choose of Kate of course but I guess also it's time she can join us with our holiday."

"Wow are you guys sure?, I don't want to disturb your holiday with family." Kate asks back when she is still very suprised.

"Honey don't worry, you would never disturb our holiday and we see how much you mean for Lando and how happy you make our son so you are part of our family too now." my mother says honest back.

"Those words means so much for, thank you."

"Ah it's reality babe, you really mean a lot for me and you absolute make me happy with your smile and your golden personality." I say back when I give Kate a kiss on her cheecks and she needs to blush directly after it.

"Gosh my favorite papaya don't let me blush you hard, it's akward." Kate replies with a giggle after it.

"Nah I will never stop saying this as long we are together." I reply with a wink to Kate.

"Let's hope that will stay for a long long time then."

"I really hope so too."

"𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙙𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙩 𝙢𝙤𝙙𝙚𝙡"Where stories live. Discover now