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Kate's pov

The wind is going slowly around my blond hair when I enjoy every single sip from my tea and I always enjoyed to spend time together with my family on every single moment I can.

Lara and I are always been busy since our last 2 years. Lara travels many times around the world, from Tokyo until Belgium meanwhile I have sometimes 2 or 3 photoshoots on one day for different small botigues.

We are even both to busy to have a boyfriend, but Lara had since short her first boyfriend since years and his name is Matthew.

Matthew and Lara knows each other via a photoshoot in The USA where also Matthew is from and became first friends until Matthew asked some months ago if she would be his girlfriend and of course she said yes.

The first meeting between Matthew and I went incredible great. We organised together a suprise party for Lara and since that day we are also very close as friends and if I need to find a boyfriend in the future, I really need somebody like him.

Not that I fall in love with him, but when I see Lara and him together everywhere I'm still very jealous how much he takes cares of her, how they always call each other even it's in the middle of the night but also the way how they respect each other and also have much trust with each other what is of course very important.

So you can image, Lara is also some weeks in her free time in the USA spending time together with Matthew but she always call us when it's an important day for the family like a wedding celebration or when it's somebody his or her birthday, meanwhile I walk around and sit between everything holding the phone so she can see everybody too.

Well now I'm single for some years because the "accident" of you know his name (bah, I don't want to even think about it).

Of course some boys showed already they want to date me or being more then friends but I'm not ready yet to start something new at this moment until I really find the one I need in my life and I feel 100% this is the person I can't let go, where I feel save with, where I can be myself with but also who I can trust.

I have only one close friend here in the UK and his name is Elliot. We also met each other via a photoshoot and after we talked for some hours, we decided to be friends and we still are happy friends now.

Next to Elliot I also met somebody else here as a new friend,


Ria and I went to the same afterparty one day and when she was crying over her crush, I decided to help her and make her smile like I always do and when she told me she was friends with a f1 driver I even went more crazy even because I still don't know which driver it is, but I see her soon again so I can't wait for what she invited me.

"Ah this wind is so good today." my grandmother tells us when she takes another sip from the tea when Lara was done telling about her amazing trips to Milan and Paris for the photoshoots of Dior.

"Yeah it deff is, but how are you both doing?" I reply back with a smile on my face and lips.

"Our little Kate always wants to know how we are, is that not sweet honey?" my grandmother asks to my grandfather and he nods back also with a smile on his face.

Look for me it's always important to ask my grandparents how they are doing you know, it's always important to know if they really feel good enough and it's also important they say it whenever they don't feel good.

I mean I ever had models that canceled the last moment because there grandparents or another part of the family wasn't good, lay in the hospital or died.

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