Chapter 9

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By the time summer had rolled around Aimee was back in the full swing of helping her father run her farm. She was able to get accounting back in order and found a few ways to help cut the outgoing expenses. Most of the cuts came from the venders they used for repairing the equipment. Even though Milly was thrilled her dad was still on the fence about the new age running of the farm. For a man who never had internet, the ability to play solitaire kept him entertained.

Cattle prices started to rise, and she knew that soon her 600 best would be going to show. If she had calculated things correctly the increase in price, along with the weigh-ins of her prized 600 would not only float them for the year but would allow her parents to actually put money back in their personal bank accounts. She was thrilled with the thought of her accomplishments.


"Aimee" a soft tender voiced tunneled from behind her "You about ready to load up?"

Tucker always knew just how to get me to move my ass even when I was clearly not ready to load up these streamlines of cattle. We had 10 trailers lined up ready to take my prized 600 to the auction. I knew the drive alone would be enough to make me rethink my entire existence. Its been three months since we spoke more than three words in passing. I have done my best to avoid him. Trying. Avoiding. Existing.

I climbed up into the front of the pick up, slammed the door behind me, crossed my arms like I was cold and stared out the passenger side window. Trying. Avoiding. Existing. My new mantra. If I try to avoid him, I can continue to exist. Got it. While the whole idea of avoiding Tucker looked good on paper, I knew it would inevitably crash around me. There is such a pull that can be felt for a county mile between us. Milly casually asked me in passing if we had talked, and my answer to her question remaining the same. No. It wasn't that I didn't want to talk to him. It wasn't that I didn't want to smack the shit out of him either. I knew that if I broke down now, if I gave into the temptation that was Tucker, I would change my entire life. I already had made it this far. I refused. Mostly because I couldn't get past the pain that he had caused me in the past. I know what happen wasn't exactly his fault although it was. He should not have been there. He knew that! He knew he should have stayed with me that night. He should have said no.

The rage began to build up in Aimee's chest. Getting tighter with each passing second. The swelling in her eyes now more apparent as the single hot tear rolled down the left side of her cheek, wiping it away with the sleeve of her jacket, her face flushed and clearly irritated. "So you ready to go?"

"As ready as I am going to be. I just want the get this shit over with and help my parents get their shit back on track."

"Why so hasty? You wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Tucker smirked before refocusing on the road.

"I am not hasty. I just don't want to deal with any bullshit today."

"Lucky for you its only cow shit." Again, he smirked.

I huffed, readjusting my arms, and continued to look out the window at the passing farms going down the highway, the gray hazed sky's looming in the early morning. The tall pines merging as we sped past them all. Small signs indicating food at this exit, or gas here, or someone's "world" famous pies that I have never heard of. All while I kept thinking back on the day that changed the dynamic between us. All of it just as fresh as the day it happened. Why would he go there? Why wouldn't he stay with me if he loved me like he said he did? He wasn't a bad kid, even my dad said so. Why did it have to happen to him? Was he lying to me? Was he involved with it the whole time and just was able to make me look stupid? Does he regret it? Does he know he is part of the reason I went to florida in the first place? Clearly he should know by now. My brain was going a million miles a minute with so many questions that I have never been able to answer. I have never been able to come to a conclusion as to the reasons. Maybe now If I just ask he could answer them and be honest with me. Although, he probably wouldn't or, he couldn't. I would never know. I knew for sure that I wouldn't ever put myself in the position to love him like I used too. He wouldn't ever have the hold on my heart like he used too. Even though he was beautiful, thoughtful, kind, and that deep voice could radiate me to oblivion. Trying. Avoiding. Existing. Trying. Avoiding. Existing. Trying. Avoiding. Existing.

"Aimee, wake up, we are here."

"Huh? Oh, yeah." I wipe my eyes and correct my now waking eyes to see that we are at the convention center. We made it, and I have successfully not spoken to him the whole way there other than a few simple not-so-pleasant pleasantries. "Alright boys lets get these girls unloaded to barn 12 and then we will get some food in us."

"Hey are you okay?" Tucker's voice sounded concerned, legitimately concerned.

If he only knew that was such a loaded question, "Yup, I am fine. Let's get finished here I am starving."

"Okay boys you heard her, let's get these girls moving!" Tucker bellowed across the mixed grass and gravel lot we had parked in "Jim, come over to the main truck and get the camping gear out, I brought 12 tents and enough sleeping bags and supplies for everyone to have their own space unless you chose to bunk up with someone."

Watching him take charge was alluring. "Aimee I have your stuff in the back of the truck so the guys didn't mess with it, I was pretty sure I grabbed it all if not I have extra supplies."

"Thank you. I knew I was forgetting something." I honestly didn't even remember to pack my camping supplies. I figured as much worse case I would stay in the truck and sleep in the back seat. Not even a question as to how he remembered to pack my shit, I always forget something. Damn it Aimee. He knows you better than you know yourself sometimes. He always has. You know that. So don't read into it, he was just being thoughtful.

"You know I couldn't forget about you." Tucker smiled as he handed me my tent "No matter what you think."

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