Chapter 7: Tag Race Thrills and Magic Xylophone Spills Part 2

Start from the beginning

*After Bluey and Bingo finished giving Simon a cuddle, Chilli and Bandit go to Simon and say to him:*

Chilli: I think Bluey and Bingo are starting to like you, Simon. It seems they see you as their friend.

*Simon responds in a shocking but happy way.*

Simon: Wait, do they think of me as their friend?

*Bandit responds to Simon's question while patient, understanding, and laughing.*

Bandit: Yes, mate, Bluey and Bingo do see you as their friend and family.

*Bluey also joins in the conversation and says to Simon.*

Bluey: Yes, mate, for real life! Me and Bingo do see you as both friends and family.

*Simon responds to Bluey while being happy.*

Simon: Awww thanks, Bluey, for considering me as part of your family.

*After they spoke about Simon being considered as part of their family, they decided to play Magic Xylophone.*

*Bluey wonders who begins first with the Xylophone, so she asks her sister.*

Bluey: Umm, Bingo, would you like to have a go first with the Magic Xylophone?

*Bingo responds to Bluey's question while being happy.*

Bingo: You can go first, Bluey.

*Bluey says to Bingo while being excited and making her giggling noise.*

Bluey: Wait For Real Life?!

*Bingo responds to Bluey's question while also making giggling noises.*

Bingo: Yes, Bluey, you can go first.

*As Bluey is given the Magic Xylophone, she looks around the room to think of who to freeze.*

*Suddenly Bluey has an idea, so she whispers to her sister.*

*Simon and Bandit turn their heads to face Bluey and Bingo, who can see that Bluey and Bingo are whispering to each other while giggling.*

*Simon says to Bandit.*

Simon: I got a feeling that Bluey knows exactly who to freeze.

*Bandit responds to Simon while agreeing with him.*

Bandit: Yeah, I got a feeling as well that Bluey knows who to freeze first.

*After Bluey and Bingo stop whispering to each other, Bluey then begins to look at Simon while holding the Xylophone.*

*Simon says to himself while knowing it's him who is going to freeze.*

Simon: Awww tea and biscuits.

*Simon then begins to run, but Bingo grabs his legs to stop Simon from getting away.*

*Bluey then holds the Xylophone and, on her other hand, gets a red polyball to hit the Xylophone, then she raises the red polyball, then hits the Xylophone and shouts out.*

Bluey: Freeze!

*Suddenly Simon then freezes, unable to move.*

*When Bluey freeze Simon, Bluey and Bingo go to him and move his finger and put it in his nose while Bingo goes to make his other hand and change it to a thumbs up, and Bluey decides to change Simon's facial expression to a smiling one.*

*When Chilli and Bandit see that Simon is now frozen, they start to crack up laughing.*

*Bluey then gets the Xylophone again to unfreeze Simon.*

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