.o0Chapter one0o.

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you walked up the steps of the large building, you nodded to the doorman as he opened the large glass door for you. today was your first official day at Olympus. co. the biggest entrepreneurship company in the world. you didn't expect to get the job and honestly still weren't sure that you weren't hired for other reasons besides the ones on your resume. you walked up to the receptionist, she was wearing a pretty flower blazer and pink skirt. she had olive skin and evergreen hair. "hello, I'm the new assistant." you say with a smile. she returns your smile "Alright, I'll check you in. May I have your name?" she asks sweetly. "y/n l/n" you say. she types it into the computer practically at an inhuman speed. "alright someone should be down to give you a tour in a few minutes, feel free to sit on one of the lounge chairs while you wait" she says pointing towards the elegant black leather chairs towards the left side of the room. you nod to her before walking and taking a seat. you fiddled with the small golden necklace you wore for a few minutes before someone walked up. she was tall, with long white hair and tanned skin. she wore a short blue dress that wasn't the typical office wear everyone was wearing. "you're y/n I assume? My name is Artemis, and I will be the one showing you around today." she says with a kind smile. "it's a pleasure to meet you" you nod. She gives a hidden smirk "Follow me" she says leading you toward the elevator. before pressing the button she turns towards a blonde male at the reception desk "Apollo if you could kindly wait until you're at home to make out with your girlfriend that would be appropriate." she smirks, and the man turns with a similar one. he was surprisingly taller than Artemis and wore a slightly more formal outfit. he had long golden blonde hair and golden eyes. he blew a kiss goodbye to the receptionist and walked over. "so this is the new assistant our father hired." he tilted your chin to look at him "I personally can't say I blame him. I'm Apollo, son of Zeus" he smirks teasingly. "lay off of them brother, they're still so sweet and innocent" Artemis teases. she leans over and hits the button to open the elevator. "let us start." she gestures for you to walk in. you walk in followed by them, you try to hide the blush of being in such a small space with them, you had to admit that they were both very beautiful. "what are your roles in the company?" you ask, truly wondering because their names never were mentioned in the interview when talking about the departments. "oh honey, we don't work here. we just wanted to do the kind thing of giving you the proper welcome tour" Apollo says with the same teasing smirk. "You're making them blush dear brother, how cute" Artemis comments. the gods were on your side as the elevator dinged and the doors opened to the floor they were leading you to, saving you from your embarrassed blush. they led you down the hall to what looked to be a fancy breakroom, it had a beautiful view of the city and a full kitchen. Artemis sits at a table next to a woman with pink hair and a magenta mini dress. "aw who the cutie?" she asks. "this is y/n, they're my father's newest assistant." Artemis says taking a strawberry from the pink-haired woman's lunch. "this is Aphrodite, she's the head of our beauty department" Apollo says resting his chin on your head. "It a pleasure to meet you," you say, she laughs a bit "You're so kind and innocent, are you sure you're here to be an assistant?" she smirks hinting at something else. The twins roll their eyes. "I doubt he would hire another one for those purposes so close to the company's anniversary party. we all know he won't risk Hera causing a scene in anger." Apollo says, "Don't blame Hera for that. it's how any sane person would react if they knew their husband cheated in front of her for months." Artemis says losing her smile a bit. Aphrodite smiles a bit. "I know, but the possibility is still there." she says in a sing-song voice. "well we must get going, we wouldn't want to make y/n late on their first day." Artemis says hugging Aphrodite and standing up. Aphrodite waved goodbye to the three of you as the twins led you from the breakroom. they led you back to the elevator. "we're heading to the top floor now, I'm sure our father has work for you to start." Artemis says. you nod, and the three of you stand there waiting for the doors to open. once on the top floor they opened with a ding, the three of you stepped out to be greeted by a woman with a purple braid, she was wearing a purple pantsuit with a purple cape. She looked at you with disgust and tilted her sunglasses down to look at you better. "so this is his newest one." she said with quiet hatred before walking away, her heals clicking against the ground. "who was she?" you ask looking where she left. "that's hera, shes Zeus's wife. try to avoid her she isn't too fond of his assistants." Apollo warns. "she's really pretty." you say. "she was a model before she met her husband. but then once married she gave it up to help him with his business." Artemis says. "ah there's my new assistant, I hope that you've been welcomed properly." Zeus says walking from one of the offices. he was probably the tallest person in the office, he wore a blue suit with a purple flower in the front pocket. his greyish-brown hair down over his shoulders. he nods to his two children to leave, and they give you a last look of good luck before walking to the elevator. "if you would kindly follow me, I'll show you to your desk" he says gesturing the way. 

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