Happy New Years!!!!

Start from the beginning

Mrs. Afton walked over with a tray of hot chocolate cups, a bowl of mini marshmallows, and candy canes, setting it on the table, everyone took a cup, putting in their desired amount of the mini mellows and a candy cane. Elizabeth of course took the most marshmallows out of everyone, i chuckled and took the candy cane, stirring my drink with it, "Your outfit looks nice" Mason commented, "Thank you"

"A lady helped me get Evan's gifts and recommended the outfit too", "That was nice of her" i nodded, sipping my hot drink, a chilly breeze then came into the house, "We're back" Michael called out, i smiled, putting my drink down and walked over and hugged Evan behind him, he hugged me back and i smiled. "You look beautiful Y/n", "Thank you" I said, blushing a little, "I'm going to go to Mike's room for a bit, 'kay?" I nodded and stepped back.

I watched as Michael and Evan headed upstairs, "Y/n, do you want to help me set the table?" i looked over to Mrs. Afton and nodded, walking into the kitchen with her, seeing a few kinds of food already prepared. I helped her clean the little mess and bring the dishes to the table, "Mrs. Afton, what did you and William do in your first new years together?" she hummed in thought, "Ah, so long ago, well, we did each other's family traditions together, doing normal new years things, watching fireworks, then we had our first time together" she said with a smile, a little blush too.

"Why do you ask?", "I wanted to do something with Evan but i'm not good with ideas" i chuckled, "Mhm, well, just make sure you two use protection" she said sternly, my face flushed red, "I-i know" i muttered, "Hehe, wait a bit longer before having my grandbabies" i nodded, still blushing, thinking of the last time me and him did it. After a moment, we finished setting the table, I headed upstairs to get Evan, Michael if he wants to join too. I knocked on the door, waiting for a response, "What is it?" Michael said, "Dinner is ready" I answered, the two mumbled, but I wasn't able to understand what they said.

Evan opened the door, stepped out, closing the door behind him, "Mike isn't joining right away" he said, looking at me, i nodded and held his hand, bringing him to the kitchen where everyone but Michael was at. We sat together, across from Mason and Elizabeth, William sitting next to her and Mrs. Afton next to Evan, "Michael isn't joining us?" she asked before sitting down, "Hes finishing his thing right now" she gave a responsive hum.

[After dinner]

Mason was in the hall, waiting for Michael to clean out his stomach since he did join and eat, which confuses me in all ways, but I just decided to ignore it. "Alright i got the thing" William said, bringing a karaoke box into the living room, that Elizabeth SOMEHOW convince him to join, i chuckled as Elizabeth excitedly went over and started searching for a song, i leaned against Evan, smiling happily, "Y/n", "Hm?" he lifted my chin up, i looked seeing a mistletoe right above us.

I rolled my eyes, smiling and kissed him, "Yeah yeah, i see it" he smiled and kissed me back, "You look beautiful" he whispered, holding me close, "Thank you-", "ALRIGHT LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED" Liz shouted, holding up the karaoke mic with pride.

[A few songs and drinks later]

Everyone was at their own things at this point of the night, Mason and Michael were by the dining room drinking, William already left, Mrs. Afton was doing some new years paper thing with Elizabeth, and me and Evan were still on the couch cuddling. Well, until he picked me up, "Me and Y/n are going to the room now, night" he said, bringing me back to his room before anyone could respond, he didnt even bother to just open the door and just teleported us in it instead.

Evan (CC) Afton X Fem. Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now