Chapter 6:

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Groaning, Lili opens her eyes to see darkness but also makes out the ceiling. Confused, Lili sits up and looks around trying to figure out where she was.

It was really dark but she could make out a desk, a lounge area, two big double doors, and lastly looks down to see she was in a large bed with her dress on but not her shoes.

She was in someone's bedroom then Lili gasped.

"Does that mean I left with a stranger? Was I kidnapped? Where are by friends? Where's Jin?!"

Before she could panic any further, out of nowhere there was this bright light and Lili shields her face from it.

"Finally, you're awake."

Wait. Lili remembers that deep voice. When the light was gone, Lili puts down her arms to see she was correct.


Closing the door, Jin walks over to the bed and turns on his lamp so she could see sitting down.

"How are you feeling?" Jin asked.

"Dizzy but.." Lili looks around to get a clear look at the place, "what happened?"

"I figured you wouldn't remember-"

"Why? Did something happen? Is anyone hurt? Did I say anything embarrassing or-"

"Lili breath."

Doing what she was told, she started to feel better and relaxed.

"Nothing bad happened and no one is hurt. You was just drunk and half asleep so I decided to bring you home but you wouldn't tell me where you stayed so I brought you to my place until you felt better."

That made Lili feel even better but that didn't make her ease completely.

"But that doesn't answer my question. Did I act in a bad way or something?"

Jin sighs and sits up straight looking at her.

"You did act a certain way but nobody saw. You were drunk and you acted like how everyone is when they get drunk. Don't worry yourself."

Lili sighs and nods taking his word for it.

"Thank you, really, I-I thought other things happened..."

Seeing her shiver at the possibilities, Jin grabs her hand giving it a comforting squeeze.

"I didn't and it won't okay, you're safe with me. Just relax."


Jin looks down at their hands, at the size difference and the feeling of them. Then once again he was lost in thought as he rubs her knuckles with his thumb.

It was a gentle gesture and it made Lili feel more comfortable than before but still there was something bothering Lili, something that's been bothering her for the last few years and days.


He looks at her and she tries to look in his eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

She was really curious. Usually, Jin was always focused but for these few days he's been distracted and she wanted to know.

"Nothing." He quickly said.

"We both know that's not true. Whatever is on your mind I'm here to listen."

Jin looks back down and she figured she said something wrong but it was actually not the case.

"I always have things on my mind Lili. It's not the usual but I don't know." Jin sighs, "At first it was confusing, then annoying, and after I finally understood why but I don't know how to react."

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