Chapter 3

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Stirring around in his bed, flipping and tossing in the sheets trying to relax, the man soon realized he wasn't about to get it.

"What the hell!"

Jin finally rips the pillow off his irritated face and sits up rubbing his eyes.

"For the last two hours I couldn't get back to sleep because of...her."

The black haired man instantly remembers how this happened.


It was just about almost three days after Jin helped Lili's new outfit and product photoshoot and things already escalated beyond what him or anyone thought.

Jin was in his office reading the magazines and when he got to the last one, on the cover was a picture of him and Lili in the matching Jean outfits with the title say 'New released projects from fashion/beauty model Emilie De Rochefort with the assistance of the King of Iron Fists, Jin Kazama!'

Of course Jin flipped through to see the pictures and they all looked great and Jin was actually pleased with the results seeing everything beld sold in less than a day.

Landing of the last page, Jin smiles at the picture of him and Lili. Yes, at the end they both weren't comfortable with taking a picture together because of their history in the past but they pushed through that and overcame that.

Jin was even shocked with the poses they took and he can remember how close the were and the position there were in. He can remember when his hands was on her waist, the softness on her skin, how she smelled so divine, but he can also remember how nervous she was. So much that she couldn't look him in the eyes for very long or stop blushing.

But when he secretly held her hand and whispered "Breathe. Just hold my hand when you need to." It was like she could be her normal proud self and Jin was relieved on the inside.

He never knew how to comfort or speak to others but that fact he helped Lili spark something within. The why she would simply squeeze his hand or tug on his shirt was something he would never forget.

Then after the shoot, him, Lili, Hworang, and Asuka went to get dinner and it was relaxing with a few laughs. Jin felt different and he couldn't understand what it was.

But he did know he couldn't get the blonde out of his mind.

|Flashback Ends|

Which led to this point where he couldn't sleep without seeing her. Hell, she would be the first one to pop in his mind. He could try to stop but only to let the images crawl back in driving him insane.

Jin sighs and tosses the magazine back on his desk thinking.

I don't have any meetings at the very moment, no phone calls or papers to sign. Huh, maybe I can take the rest of the day off." Jin looks at the time on his watch, "2:55, I think I can take this chance for one."

Jin was never the one to skip or get up and leave for the day. He was a hard working man that work to sun up and sun down with nothing to hold him back. But is one of the times he he needs a break or two from all of this.

Making up his mind, Jin reaches for the phone on his desk and dials a number. He waited as it rung but someone quickly answered.

"Nina, your in charge for the rest of the day and probably tomorrow too. Bye."

Jin immediately hangs up and stands while grabbing his coat and leaves his office. He knew he had to get out quick before Nina comes at him with an earful of words.

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