Chapter 2: Big Day

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-3 days later-

The sun rises over the city in Japan and making a blonde woman wake up from her slumber. Lili stretches before getting out of bed making her way towards the kitchen for some nice breakfast.

"Today's the big day." Lili said to herself before taking a bite of her pancakes.

For three days, Lili was busy with making sure everything was in order for the photoshoot so busy that she was very tired last night and sleep for a little longer than she usually do.

After finishing her breakfast, Lili went straight in the shower sighing at the hot water releases her aching muscles and stands there for awhile before washing her body.

The photoshoot starts at 1:30 but she has to be there at 12:00 for her makeup and dressing. But she has time so she'll enjoy herself until that time.


-2 hours later-

In the studio everyone was busy with making sure everything had the final touch for the photoshoot. Once two people made it inside to see everything they were amazed.

A brunette looks away before spotting who she was looking for.

"Lili, how's everything going?" Asuka asked her friend.

"So far so good and afternoon. But what happened you was suppose to be hear ten minutes ago?" Lili asked concerned from behind the mirror.

"I brought someone for the shoot!"

Then Lili brings the mirror down once she was finished with her lipstick and Asuka gasped.

"Lili you look so beautiful!"

"Thank you."

Asuka steps aside and Lili was surprised to see Jin behind his cousin.

"What do you think, Jin?"

Jin looks away from everything else to look at Lili and he was amazed at what he saw be kept a straight face.

"You look pretty." He said.

Lili smiles taking the complement.

"Thank you. I see you thought about it."

"Actually, someone wouldn't leave me alone for three days."

"That would be me." Asuka said proudly.

"Either way I glad you came." Somehow just seeing her pleased and the way she looked at him put a strange feeling inside Jin. "The shoot will start in less than an hour, so you will follow these lovely gentlemen here to your dressing room, Ryan and Toshi."

The two men walks towards them a little bit shaken up by the sit of the one and only Jin Kazama.

"Right this way, sir." Toshi said as he and Ryan led Jin away.

Once they were gone Lili and Asuka started  laughing a little.

"They're so scared." Asuka said.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. Now go on and get ready."

"Yes ma'am."


After some time later it was time for the shoot and everyone was ready.

"Jin, come on!" Asuka said from the other side of the door.

"Alright, alright." Jin said before walking out of the room.

"Let's go!"

Jin sighs and follows his cousin to everyone else.

"We're ready, Lili."

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