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The magic in the world

The magic in the world

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Mystic Falls, 997AD.

Being a wolf was more than just the ability to shift into an actual wolf, being a wolf was something you carried in your very being, it was hard to explain to anyone that hadn't felt it before because it was a feeling that surrounded all of you, that pushed you to becoming your true self.

                            For Lilibeth, it was everything, from the moment she first shifted she felt different but it was hard to explain, she felt a certain closeness with her family and her pack, a closeness she had felt before but now it was stronger than ever, and she was more happy than ever too, she exuded happiness, but when the berry picking days came she felt sad, not for Agnes anymore, but for Kol.
Kol was Lilibeth's only friend, so every berry picking day she would go to their spot and hope he would show.

It was the twentieth berry picking day that Lilibeth showed up at their spot, and not even in one of those days Kol had showed up, that was until a very special berry picking day. When Lilibeth walked into the open space and Kol was already there, waiting for her.

"What took you so long?," Kol asked her.

"Kol," Lilibeth breathed out.

"The one and only," Kol retorted, "are you going to sit or you want to go pick berries?," he laughed and Lilibeth sat in front of him.

"I thought you never..."

"Wanted to see you, again?," Lilibeth nodded, "not really my choice."

"I thought after Agnes..."

"Lilibeth," Kol breathed out, "you are my best friend," Lilibeth smiled, "the only reason I didn't come sooner it's because of..."

"Mikael," she finished, Kol nodded.

"My father didn't let me out of the house," Lilibeth nodded, "not even to do my chores," Lilibeth smirked knowing full well Kol hated his chores, "so I've been spending more time with mother," Kol smirked.

"Did you finally got Finn to not be her shadow?," Kol nodded enthusiastically.

"I think I annoyed Finn into staying away," both children laughed. "How you've been?"

"Happy," she said, "which is sad, but I've been happy," Kol nodded understanding the situation.

"How is it with your family?"

"Good. Better."

"Do they love the fact that now you can turn into a wolf," Lilibeth smiled awkwardly, she knew the whole village knew about the werewolves, but she had never said any of it to Kol or even to Agnes, Kol saw Lilibeth's face and laughed at it, "it was never a secret," he continued laughing.

"We all love it," Kol nodded, "it's like nothing I have ever feel before," Lilibeth smiled, "I swear is the best feeling in the world," Kol laughed.

"What about the pain?, I do not think it the best feeling in the world."

"That's because you have never felt it," Lilibeth made a face at Kol.

"I have felt something way better," kol retorted.

"Doubtful," Lilibeth asserted.

"Ohh," Kol chided, "but I have," he seemed so sure of himself that Lilibeth felt the urge to ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"Remember that day I wanted to show Agnes and you something," Lilibeth nodded, "well I am better at it now," she had a puzzled look, "all this time I have spent with mother has only helped me."

"What do you mean?"

"That I have never felt better," Kol was excited, "this feeling is truly indescribable but I can feel it taking all over me, and..."

"Making you your true self," Kol nodded, "I can relate," both children smiled, "but what is it?, because as far as I am aware you're not the one that could shift," Kol had a question in his eyes but the excitement he felt to finally tell his friend about it was more.

Kol started playing with the dirt on the ground, there were no flowers this time, nothing just dirt. Kol closed his eyes and had a very hard concentration face, at which Lilibeth had to laugh.

"Shut up!," Kol demanded, "I have to concentrate," Lilibeth did as told. Kol closed his eyes again.

Lilibeth looked very intently at the dirt that Kol was playing with, waiting for something to happen, anything really, then all of the sudden there was a small growth on the dirt, from it there was a little flower growing, a Lily, Lilibeth's favorite. Kol opened his eyes and laughed at Lilibeth's shocked face.

"I'm a witch."

"Your a witch," Lilibeth mumbled, "you're a witch," she chanted clearly excited, kol nodded just as excited.

"I'm a witch," Kol said again, "you're a werewolf," both children were smiling widely.

"You are," Lilibeth shouted, "I am."

Lilibeth and Kol rekindled their friendship after that day, a friendship that only grew over the years. They loved each other. Lilibeth believed that no one that wasn't a wolf would ever understand the feeling she got by being a wolf, she was wrong, Kol with his connection to the earth felt it too, just as powerful as she did. Lilibeth was tied to the moon, Kol to the earth, it amazed Lilibeth the power Kol could master, it was beautiful, but more than anything she was glad her best friend could understand and share a feeling she wasn't able to convey with words. The way Kol and Lilibeth understood each other was a connection she would never completely understand but always appreciate.

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