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Mystic falls, 2010.

                      Bonnie Bennett was a witch, and from the moment she found out to be one her life turned upside down. No dull moments, she would think, but deep down she begged for a dull moment, deep down Bonnie Bennett was breaking and all those pieces that were itching to be together couldn't be glued because they didn't belonged anymore. Bonnie Bennett was a strong witch, and an even a stronger woman if such thing was possible, she always tried, tried, and tried, to save Elena, Jeremy, her grams, her mother, her friends, her family and always in the end she failed. In her life the suffering never stopped.

                      Now, Klaus was forcing her to do a spell that would unlink all the originals, and she couldn't deny his request. Klaus was threatening his mom and Jeremy, poor Jeremy she would think, he had suffered more than anyone she knew and he was only sixteen. So Bonnie would cooperate, she would unlink the originals and give Klaus what he wanted because truth be told she couldn't be blamed or have the blood of someone else in her hands.

                     As she was chanting and the small pool of blood in the table was dividing in five smaller ones, she heard it, a name: Lilibeth. Somehow her connection with the witches wasn't completely severed and they whispered that name, maybe it would help them somehow, help them stop Klaus. She felt desperate maybe that was one of the reasons why the witches seemed to be helping her, maybe this Lilibeth was their way of finally killing Klaus.

                   Once the spell was done she felt used, in a way not all people could, but now she had maybe a reason to keep fighting even when she felt there was no more fight in her. She just needed time, she would keep this a secret until she had everything at hand and then she would use this Lilibeth to kill Klaus.

                Time passed and even when Bonnie tried to reach for the witches again they didn't answer. Finn was dead, Klaus was still alive, and after looking through grimoire and grimoire still no answer. There was no Grimoire that led to a Lilibeth, for a time Bonnie believed Lilibeth might have been a witch, a Bennett witch maybe an ancestor of hers, one that was willing enough to help her get rid of Klaus. That was until she found William's Bennett grimoire dated 1743, it was when her ancestors still lived in Salem. William's work was dark he experimented with vampires, one vampire in particular a viking vampire named Lilith. In his grimoire he not only listed his work with this vampire but talked of a connection his daughter Emma Bennett had with the vampire, one that killed Emma and made him go down his dark path.

THE LAST I HAVE OF YOU ❍ niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now