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Down the rabbit hole

Down the rabbit hole

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Alexandria, 2010.

Lilith had to go back to Mystic Falls, to help translate, whatever it was needed translating. By orders of Bonnie Bennett she had to go to Elena's house and help Caroline and Tyler translate. She didn't know these people, what she knew is that they had to be important for Bonnie because there was no way she was sending her back to Mystic Falls if they weren't important. Lilith moved the arms of the people that were still hugging her body, she stood completely naked, mouth covered in blood, she had a great couple of days, drank a lot, still she was hungry, so she woke a girl that was in bed with her, the girl smiled at her.

"Are you still hungry?," the girl asked, Lilith smiled.

"Am i that predictable, love?," the girl nodded shyly and stood up. Once she was in front of her she moved her head to the side giving Lilith enough access to her neck. Lilith didn't waste her time and sank her teeth into the girls neck, drinking with ecstasy until she felt the girl starting to buckle her knees, then she stopped.

"Is that enough?," the girl asked.

"Not even," Lilith smiled blood all over her face, she was a messy eater, "but I don't want you to die," Lilith knew bodies would attract attention, attention that she didn't want at the moment, so she restricted herself with her drinking, "I need a bath."

Lilith took a bath, changed her clothes, found Daniel and felt ready to leave the room. She had an amazing couple of days, now she had to get back to Mystic Falls, help Bonnie's friends, and then she would take a detour and find Nik.

"We have to go Daniel," Daniel nodded, "you are taking me back to Mystic Falls," Daniel nodded again.

On the ride back to mystic falls she kept drinking from Daniel's wrist, trying to enjoy her way back, she knew once she reached Mystic Falls she had to be on her best behavior, not only for Bonnie but also for bonnie's friends, because if they were important enough to make bonnie want Lilith to have a surprise appearance, they were important enough and Bonnie probably trusted their word, so Lilith had to charm some more people, easy enough.

Mystic Falls, 2010.

Once they reached the Welcome to Mystic Falls sign, Lilith told Daniel to stop, she wouldn't drag Daniel into whatever she was going in, also it wouldn't look so good to be accompanied by a man who had holes all over him, and was being compeled to do everything she wished.

THE LAST I HAVE OF YOU ❍ niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now