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We all go a little mad sometimes

We all go a little mad sometimes

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Mystic falls, 2010.

"Bonnie, you're back," Lilith sounded excited to see the witch, "I... for a moment I thought you forgot about me, or.. died," she laughed, "that happens with you witches," she laughed nervously, "you die and then you leave me alone to rot".

"You're hungry?"

"Yes, but I missed the company more," Bonnie threw her purse at Lilith's feet, the vampire smiled, "thank you, Bonnie," Bonnie nodded.

"I have been occupied," Lilith nodded as she drank.

"You're a powerful witch, of course you are busy," she smiled, "to what do I owe the pleasure?," Bonnie was still questioning herself, should she tell Lilith about Klaus?, "do you need my help?"


"Gladly," she drank some more, "is it about the hunter?" Lilith questioned, "I don't know much, I was captured just after my first encounter with the brotherhood."

"It's not about that," Lilith nodded clearly interested.

"You can tell me," Lilith saw the doubt in Bonnie's eyes, "there's no one I can tell to," she laughed.

"Why are you so interested?"

"I'm not, per se," Bonnie had a puzzled look, "I enjoy the company and if me being of help keeps you around I'll do it," Bonnie felt she was finally understanding Lilith, after reading some of Henry's diaries and Emma's, she understood Lilith, she didn't want to be alone. Maybe she could use it on her favor.

"I do need your help," Lilith nodded, "but I don't know if you can help."

"I can."

"I know you're old," Lilith smiled, "viking old," Lilith nodded, "tell me about it."

"I... i was born in the new world way before it was called that, my family migrated here and we lived a happy life, until we didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"The blood sucking creatures invaded my village, killed a lot of people, most of my family, and turned me and then the nightmare began," Bonnie was truly believing the vampire, "I told you I have been a prisoner most of my life, first them, then the witches."


"The vampires who turn me."

"Do you know their names?"

"Do i know the names of the vampires that I was with for more than a hundred years?"

"I'll take that as a yes," Lilith nodded.

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