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The Rager

The Rager

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Mystic falls, 2010.

                     Bonnie was grieving her Grams all over again, when she did the spell that put Klaus back on his body, she saw her grams die in front of her, again. Now it was hard to even try to do basic nature spells, it took a lot of energy to do, and just when even more than ever her friends needed her. Bonnie felt guilty, she was lying to everyone, and now she had a viking vampire trapped in a tomb that she needed to feed, but that was not the only thing she needed to do, so she started her research on the wooden bullets.

                   Bonnie Bennett walked into the tomb with blood bags on her purse, books on her hands, even some magazines, and the wooden bullets.

"Bonnie Bennett," the way Lilith said her name felt ominous like she was expecting Bonnie to react in some way, "what did you bring me?"

"Some books, magazines, and blood," Lilith smiled widely at the last part, "but before I give it to you, I need something from you."

"Little Bennett witch always wanting something in return."

"I know you're old," Lilith laughed, "what do you know about these?," Bonnie showed her the bullets. Lilith tried to sneak a peek.

"You have to get closer if you want my help," she grinned. Bonnie walked closer to her, "there you go," she looked at the bullets, "ooh," she sighed, "that's not good, well only if you're a vampire," Lilith looked down at her purse clearly smelling the blood, the veins in her eyes were popping out, "you're a witch," she turned to look at Bonnie, "maybe you can help him kill some," the sound in her voice became more upbeat, "that is what you do, right?"


"Strange," Lilith looked at her purse once more, "now, can I have some?, Bonnie threw her purse and in an instant she started drinking the blood, she was messy, clearly hungry, "did you bring me anything else?" She handed her the books and magazines, "what are these?"

"They are called magazines," Lilith nodded and flipped the pages, "more of a now thing".

"What year is this?"

"2010," Lilith let out a sigh.

"You're kind, a kind witch, aren't you?" Bonnie nodded, "why I am here, there has to be something you need," Bonnie wasn't too sure if to tell her already about Klaus, "something more than just the bullets, and I don't think you're like the other Bennett witch, you're not cruel."

"You mean William," Lilith nodded, "he wrote that all he did to you was to get revenge because you killed his daughter," Lilith started laughing.

"I didn't killed her, I loved her," Bonnie was surprised she had read in Emma's diary that she loved Lilibeth, she never knew it was reciprocated, "my sweet Emma," Lilith lightly kissed one of her hands and then placed it over her heart.

"Then how did she died?"

"We wanted to be together, Lilith started explaining, "forever," she smiled nervously, "she was trying to find a way to free me from the spell, she found the way," she sighed, "it was a full moon, she let me out of the cave and I gave her my blood, but she died during the spell and didn't finish it, when she woke up she was ready to feed but we were caught by William who didn't let her feed, so she died."

"He wrote you killed her," Lilith laughed.

"Technically I did, but also he did when he didn't let her feed," Bonnie nodded, "we were meant to be together, forever, I loved her, I still do".

"How do i know you're not lying?"

"Why would I lie? You're the only person I can talk to," she started drinking from another blood bag.

"You're a vampire, vampires lie".

"I'm a vampire who's been a prisoner most of my life," she kept drinking, "I have no one out there, no one who's waiting for me or that gives a crap about me," Bonnie nodded, "I'm a vampire but I'm a prisoner, and that's who I am, no ulterior motives, no nothing," Lilith smiled, "nothing but this overwhelming feeling of gratefulness towards the little Bennett witch who keeps feeding me."

"How I do i know you're telling the truth?"

"You're not, but you can read Henry's diaries or Emma's, that way you can get a better picture," Bonnie nodded, "do you know how Henry died?"


"Tragic I bet, New Orleans witches always die tragically."

"I can found out, if you want."

"I would appreciate that Bonnie Bennett," Lilith smiled, she seemed truthful, "he was my last friend, maybe you can be my new one?," she sounded sad.

"I..." Bonnie was speechless.

"it's fine Bonnie Bennett you don't have to," Lilith sat on the floor.

"You can call me Bonnie."

"Thank you," Lilith smiled again.

                     Bonnie walked out of the tomb with a new sense of hope, maybe Lilith wasn't so bad, maybe Lilith was the way to kill Klaus, that was why the sprits told her about the vampire because they knew her and maybe they knew she wasn't bad. She felt more sure about it than before. Lilith was the way. Next time Bonnie would tell her about Klaus, next time she would get her to help them kill Klaus.

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