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A view to kill

A view to kill

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Mystic falls, 2010.

Lilith had spent a lot of time by herself over the years, being alone never bothered her, not now, not ever. Now, she had a real opportunity at being free, finally, she wouldn't waste it. Bonnie was her way out and she would use it, consequences be damned. At the moment Lilith had to pretend to be this meek version of herself, she was never like this, not even when she was just a werewolf, she had to lie, pretend and gain Bonnie's trust, with time that trust would get her free.

"You have to leave," Bonnie rushed into her room. Lilith was in bed reading a book.

"What do you mean?," she wasn't sure this was happening.

"Now," Bonnie looked frantic, "you have to leave my house now, go outside of town, don't let anybody see you and stay in hotel until I call you."

"Why?," she needed to pretend still, that is why she didn't leave the moment Bonnie said those words.

"My father filled the whole town with vervain, and not to be rude but right now I don't have time to take care of you," take care of me, then fucking free me, Lilith thought.

"What do you want me to do exactly?," she gave Bonnie the chance to rectify her words but she still was a young little witch.

"I want you to leave Mystic Falls, go to a hotel and come back only when I tell you to," Lilith was shocked she didn't expected this to be as soon as it did. She was free, for a moment but she would find the way to make this permanent.

"You just want me to leave, don't let anybody in this town see me, and don't come back until you call me?"

"YES!!," Bonnie looked exasperated, "now, GO!!," in a swift movement Lilith jumped out of the window and disappeared.

Lilith was free.

Alexandria, 2010.

Lilith was free, not truly free, but free nonetheless. Lilith had decided to not go to far, because you never know when a witch might call, so she didn't left the state of Virginia or what she now knew to be the state of Virginia.

Over the weeks that she had spent at Bonnie's house she felt like she mastered, at least a little bit, the internet. It amazed her how she could just look up everything she wanted to know and the information would be there.

THE LAST I HAVE OF YOU ❍ niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now