A Shooting Star

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I checked the weather before deciding on whetever should walk out or not. Luckly it was a bright night, perfect for changing locations so the dead cant get to me and my little sister Lydia.
"Come on Lydia we need to get going"
"Im coming i just need to find my bracelet" Lydia said.
"Okay but hurry, im waiting outside"

Im glad there wont be any rain tomorrow, i thought to myself. I am amazed by how i can be grateful when things are this shitty. I guess thats because my life before the apocalypse was more shitty. After the little gratitude moment, Lydia finally showed up by me. As we started walking the late august breeze caressing my skin made me remember im still alive. I checked my back to be safe just incase, afterall the zombies never call before they come right? It has been around 2 months since the apocalypse has started if im not mistaken. I think we did a pretty good job considering that we dont have a group and one is 24 while the other is 9 years old. We walked without saying a word, Lydia knew that i didnt like talking and the reason behind that is, well i do enough talking in my head and saying things out loud geniunely tires me. The sky was slowly begining to lighten up. Thoughts got all over me. I looked up at the stars again to clear my head, saw a shooting star. I was still young enough to believe in wishes, so i wished all of this to come to an end, living the life and not just surviving, thats what i have wished.
Then suddenly i heard some cracking noise behind a bush. I immediatly reached to my knife, setting my sister behind me with an intention to protect her. A zombie came out of the bush, at least i assumed it was a one zombie. I stabbed my knife into its head while hearing a scream, my little sisters scream. When i turned around and killed that another zombie, it was already late to do anything.
Seeing my little sisters body covered in blood. Seeing her in pain made me sick to my stomach. I havent felt this much weak. I dropped to my knees, it was too much to process. It shouldnt end here right? This wasnt the end that Lydia deserved.
"Y/N, i love you. You did your best."
- I-i love you too Lydia."
Shes the most brave and kind child i have ever known, shes my little sister. But i had to do something. No matter how hard it is, i have to quit being selfish and stop the pain little Lydia is having right now. I closed my eyes and i did it.
I killed Lydia. At the middle of the forest. Without a proper goodbye, she was already gone. I was staring at the corpse of the girl who helped me get through the most diffucult parts of my life,who i have survived all of those years with. My eyes began to water as i reached out to her bracelet, her special bracelet. Now that was the only personal thing which can make me reminisce her. I couldnt hold back tears anymore. I collapsed on my little sisters body which was still warm. I completely forgot the world outside. Everything was like a fever dream only to realize it was in fact not, by someone or something falling on to me. I heard a shot.

Sorry it was a short and very sterotypical episode i promise the story gets better each episode, im open to any critisism
i hope you enjoyed it, next update is in this week

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