Chapter 4. [ Matches ] ♤

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It was the offical day of the training camp, meaning that today were the first matches.

And Nishinoya was exitced to play volleyball, especially since there were some extremely strong teams which sometimes gave his team a hard time.

"Noya! Would you stop running we are just walking to the cafeteria." Daichi said as he looked at Noya tiredly.

"Oh come on! If we don't run we'll be tired the whole day. And I don't wanna be the last one to arrive at the cafeteria!" Nishinoya said as he turned around and walked a few steps backwards before turning to the front again.

"You can't win Daichi" Sugawara hummed before a yawn escaped out of his mouth.

Soon Karasuno arrived in the cafeteria and saw 4 teams were already there. It seems like a fight was in middle of the room catching everyone's eyes.

Indeed there was a fight in the middle a tall green haired male with his hair styled weirdly and an even taller raven haired male, it looked like there were about to jump at each other.

Slowly Karasuno moved closer just to see Kuroo fighting with the new team's captain.

"What do you think he did?" Nishinoya asked as he leaned closer to Tanaka while watching the two males in the centre.

Tanaka looked confused for a second before he turned around to see the two males.

"Maybe he said something about Kuroo-san's hair?" Tanaka said as he loaded rice into his bowl Nishinoya doing the same.

"What's wrong with Kuroo-san's hair?" Nishinoya questioned as he took his tray and followed after Asahi who looked like he didn't get any sleep at all.

"I mean nothing's wrong with it but it does remind me of a rooster" Tanaka answered as he grabbed his chopsticks, Nishinoya let out a small chuckle at Tanaka's answer.

After Karasuno sat down they prayed and started to eat their food meanwhile the fight was still going on.

Daichi looked around trying to find someone he could ask about, his eyes meeting Terushima's back.

He layed his chopsticks down and stood up walking towards the half awake Johzenji team.

Once he got there he sat next to Terushima catching a few glares in return, especially one from a tired Bobata who gave him a side eye.

Terushima was confused while shoving rice into his mouth, he looked at Daichi while he swallow the rice down.

"Sorry if I interrupt you while eating but what happend here?" Daichi asked as he nodded his head over to the two captains.

"Oh, don't be sorry about that. And I really don't know, when we arrived they were already fighting but from what I know, I think Daishou-san said something about Kuroo-san being a rooster" Terushima explained as he looked at the two captains who now were walking to their tables.

"Well.. I mean Kuroo's hair does make him look like a rooster" Terushima said as he picked up a piece of his egg, shoving it into his mouth.

"Daichi, I think you should go back to your own table" Terushima says as he looked over at Sugawara who kept looking over to them.

"Oh! You're right I should finish my own food. Thank you for telling me what happend!" Daichi says as he stood up and walked back to his own table.

"Sooo.. what was that?" Higashiyama asked as he sat down next to Terushima.

"Nothing. He just asked what happend" Terushima replies as he looked at Daichi.

"Ok, sure if you say so~" Higashiyama said as he looked at Terushima with a smirk.

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