09-Under the rain

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Jisoo stood by the back entrance of the school watching the rain. She coughed quietly and waited. It didn't look like it was light rain and it didn't look like it was stopping any time soon. Jisoo had her jacket on with her hood up and a mask around her mouth as she had fallen ill in the morning, but she managed to drag yourself to school and completed the day even though she were exhausted. "You look like you don't have an umbrella with you." She heard behind, she recognised the voice. It was it was Taehyung. She nodded as she continued looking at the rain.

He came up at the side and popped his head around her hood. She was trying to hide her face from him because she was ill.
"Yah. What's wrong with you? I haven't seen you all day!" He complained as he put his hand on top of her hood and turned her head to look at him.

"Omo." He said surprised as he saw her mask and stepped back slightly. She sighed and nodded. "You're ill. Why didn't you tell me? Why did you come to school!?" He began whining. She bowed her head and shrugged. "Well you can't walk home in the rain. You'll just become cold and more ill." He told her as he opened up his umbrella outside the doors.
"Come on." He said.

She shook her head.
"Go without me. You'll just get ill if you walk with me." She sighed. He rolled his eyes and tugged her hand out of her coat pocket and pulled her towards him.

"Come on. What are you going to do? Stay here? Walk in the rain? No. I'm not letting you." He grumbled as he pulled her towards him under his umbrella.

They walked out of the school gates together under his umbrella. "Have you been hiding from me today?" He asked her as he pulled a face.

She shook your head but then shrugged. "Hm. I've kind of hidden from everyone today. I haven't been feeling very well." She told him. He nodded and pointed towards a pharmacy infront.

"Do you want me to pick you up some medicine. Wait here." He told her as he passed you the umbrella and quickly darted into the pharmacy. He came out a couple of minutes later and placed the bag into her hands as he took the umbrella back. She continued walking and soon she found yourselves infront of her house.

"Next time, don't hide from me, give your sickness to me so you don't have it." He said as he smirked. A smile grew on herface and you shook your head,

"It doesn't work like that."

"I wish it did. I don't like seeing you sick." He whined as he bowed his head.


Jisoo felt more sick than ever the sneezing wouldn't stop her temperature was rising she didn't know who to call she felt weak to the point she stood up and fell face forward, she felt helpless, she was thankful for him to bring an umbrella and medicine but clearly she didn't take the medicines cuz ew who likes medicine

She reached out for her phone on the side table as she struggled to stand up again, she didn't know who 2 call since she knew Jennie was at her parent's, and she wasn't that close to anyone except for  ... She called him...

"T-Tae" she stuttered couldn't talk any longer, she saw everything turning pitch black, and her eyes shutting down, when she woke up she saw a hand on herself and she saw a wet cloth on her head she felt better, and she felt like she ate something sweet or something like that...

She saw an unusual person next to her, it was him, she was about to move his hand slightly to not wake him up as it was 2 at night, and she soon realized why her was here,

Did he really come with one call, did he still remember my address that I told him in our first meeting,

She saw him slowly opening his eyes and jumping up and putting his hand on her forehead to check her fever he didn't know how this simple gesture touched her heart, she looked at her with a warm smile

"Are you feeling better?,"

"Very much, thankyou," she said genuinely as she stood up,

"Don't say thankyou it was my duty," he said with another one of his smiles, but this time she was sure it had sincerity as he stood up as well,

"Did you perhaps remember my address from our very first encounter?"  She asked with curiosity.

"I remember each and every word you said," he gazed deeply in her orbs,

"About last night..." He started, she suddenly reminisced that how they shamelessly kissed she touched her lips and realized he was still looking at her she was petrified what is he gonna think about her,

"Forget it, I was drunk..." Jisoo cut him off, she said that to avoid anything dumb she knew he didn't feel the same didn't he, although the kiss meant alot to her but they're better off as friends innit?

His heart clenched at what she stated, he felt some tingles, but they're friends right and this happened friend hug, kiss etc.

"Totally and we're friends we can totally do this" he said as he came forward, she felt his warm breath on her collar bones, she saw him inching Forward eyes fixated on her he couldn't he keep his lips apart from her he kissed her it was gentle before until it wasn't, she felt him kissing her roughly she couldn't take it anymore she responded with the same pace, they kissed passionately, he devoured the taste in her mouth he could see how sweet her mouth was, she could see how much he wanted this she slowly felt herself pinned to the wall she encircled her and around his neck as she slowly jumped with her legs around his waist he bit her lips and the way his tongue fought with her, she felt his hands inside her shirt, they went from first base to second he was touching her and she loved it but didn't wanna go further, she stopped to take breath as he looked in her eyes,

"I'm not ready yet,"

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