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Majid's body trembled with the weight of his emotions as he lowered himself to the ground in prostration. His heart was heavy with turmoil, and his tears flowed freely in a torrent.

"O Allah," Majid whispered, his voice choked with sorrow. "I thought I knew what love was, but now I am lost. Guide me on this path, for my heart is heavy with regret and pain."

His words echoed through the silent gardens, carrying his plea to the heavens above. Majid stayed in prostration, immersing himself in the stillness of the moment. He prayed for clarity, for forgiveness, and for strength to face the challenges that lay ahead.

As he lifted his head and sat back on his heels, a sense of peace washed over him. Though the weight of what had transpired still burdened his heart, he knew that he needed to find a way to move forward.

He took a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of the cherry blossoms that surrounded him. The petals gently floated down from the tree above, a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and love.

For the first time in years, Majid prayed with a fervency that shook his very being. He begged for guidance, for strength to face the challenges ahead, and most of all - for a way to heal the wounds of his broken relationship.

He had always been a devout man, but in recent years, his duties as ruler had consumed him and he hadn't found much time for prayer. But now, in this moment of desperation, he turned to his faith with all his heart.

As he finished his prayers and rose from the ground, Majid's mind felt clearer than it had been in days. He knew what he needed to do - seek counsel from someone wise and impartial.

The first person who came to mind was Zara, an elder advisor who had served under Majid's father and grandfather before him. She was known for her wisdom and fairness and was highly respected within the palace walls.

Majid quickly made his way back to the grand hall where Zara's office was located. He knocked on her door and waited patiently for her to invite him inside.

"Come in," Zara's voice echoed from within.

Majid stepped into the room where Zara sat at her desk pouring over scrolls and documents. She looked up at him with kind eyes as she gestured for him to take a seat across from her.

"What brings you here today, my dear?" Zara asked kindly.

Majid took a deep breath before explaining everything that had happened between him and Maha. He held nothing back - not even his own faults or doubts about their future together.

Zara listened attentively, nodding thoughtfully as she took in all the details. When Majid finished, she remained silent for a moment, deep in thought.

"My dear Majid," Zara finally began, her voice gentle yet resolute. "Love is a complex thing. It has the power to uplift us, but it can also blind us to the truth. What matters now is how you choose to move forward."

Majid leaned in, his eyes fixed on Zara, desperate for guidance.

"You must find it in your heart to forgive Maha," Zara continued. "Not for her sake, but for your own. Holding onto anger and resentment will only weigh you down, my dear."

Majid nodded, understanding the wisdom behind Zara's words. He had to let go of the anger, not just for Maha's sake, but for his own well-being.

"However," Zara added, her gaze steady and unyielding. "Forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It does not mean that you must blindly trust again. It means finding a way to rebuild what was broken with caution and clarity."

Majid took a deep breath, taking Zara's words to heart. He knew that forgiving Maha would not be easy, but he also understood that holding onto his anger would only hurt him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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