We all groaned in unison.

"Don't you think you are taking it a bit too far with this whole personal stalker thing?" I asked.

As soon as we entered through the back door, it felt like entering a freezer. I welcomed it.

"Hey, how would you feel if you met the same man that followed you on and off the bus a few days later when you were just walking? You don't know what it's like to be stalked, so no judgement."

Sure I don't, I snorted to myself, thinking of the handful of times I've had somebody follow me. Most of the time they were only ever watching me, but the few times I'd been confronted hadn't ended well.

"Well at least you are getting the skills you need to defend yourself from anything that m- may..." I trailed off, as my eyes landed on a very familiar platinum blond hair as the person slipped into Emily's office that was surrounded by curious girls.

I stood rooted to the floor, watching the spot where my mother's head had just vanished into the office. My heart started racing in my chest, and a lump formed in my throat. The tips of my fingers tingled with excitement.

I had the urge to call out, but my mind doubted the instinct. What if it wasn't her? My mind probably just jumped to the first person I thought of whenever I saw platinum blond hair. Or even worse, what if she was here about Mia and not me?

The lump in my throat hardened into ice. My stomach turned uncomfortably, making me worry I was going to throw up.

"Eliana?" Abby asked.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I croaked out.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

I turned back to look at Emily's office door. The curtains were drawn, so I couldn't see who was inside to make sure it was really her. I walked up to the door, not giving any notice to the girls in my way, and rested my ear to the wood. I heard nothing through the stupid thick door.

I pulled away, feeling slightly more panicked now. Glancing around, I spotted the small parking lot through the living room window. I walked over to it, and searched for the familiar car I had been dared to drive once, but wound up crashing straight into a tree when I was backing up. The only car that was there was a large suburban with dark tinted windows.

I felt tears prick, as the little hope I had gotten from the platinum blond hair deflated. I felt my body sag in defeat.

"Are you ok?" Hailey asked, coming into the living room where I stood.

I nodded my head.

"I think I'm just going to go for a walk alone," I whispered, feeling worn out.

Hailey nodded, and let me pass. I headed out the front door, keeping my head down low, so no one could see the tears that had started to stream down my cheeks.

I was reminded of how alone and betrayed I felt. Over the past few months I had done such a good job locking away all these feelings, but the blond hair rushing into Emily's office was a harsh reminder. It was a sharp pain that ripped through my chest, reminding me that I was unwanted.

Why had they never tried to call me? I wasn't expecting Mom to go against what Dad said, but I had always hoped my brothers would find a way to sneak over to me. If they couldn't do that, then at least figure out how to get a message to me.

A soft sob escaped my mouth. I was abandoned and alone. My stomach turned at the thought. I looked down at it, hoping I wouldn't throw up. That was the last thing I wanted to deal with at this moment. Looking down, I made out the slight curve that was mostly hidden by the white dress. I wasn't going to be alone. I was going to be with my baby in a few more months.

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