"Please,Dad,Please,I can't,Just stay Here in the House,While,Godzilla is Attacking All of These Random Titans,And,Moving from Ocean to Ocean,For No Reason,I need to get to the Bottom of It,Please,Dad,For Mom," Madison pleaded,Really wanting to Go,as She explained to Mark,Every Reason,Why,She thought,That,She needed to Go.

Mark Sighed,When He heard Her continue to Plead to Head Over to the Headquarters.

"Alright,You can Come,But,You are not leaving My Line of Sight,You got Me?" Mark replied,Letting Her Come,As Long as She stayed with Him,Before,Asking Her if She got Him.

"Yeah,Dad,I'm on my Way," Madison announced as She,Then,Hanged Up the Phone,And,Headed off to get Ready,To head over There.

Back at the Outpost.

Mark had,Just hanged Up the Phone,And,Put It Back in his Pocket,as He turned Back to the Large Screen,Which,Still had Godzilla and Matthew on It.

"Send the Nearest Field Team over There,To pick the Boy Up,And,Send a Team to pick Up my Daughter,We're going to have Visitors," Mark demanded,Firmly,as He declared,That,They were,Soon,Gonna have Visitors.

Back in New York.

Godzilla was Headed Back,Towards the Water,So,He could Go Back to his Home,In the Pacific Ocean,And,Coincidentally,That was the Same Way,That,Matthew had Headed.

Godzilla stomped,All the Way,Over to the End of the Dry Land of New York,Where the Water had Started as He,Slowly,Stepped,Into the Water.


At the New York Harbor.

Or,At Least,What was Left of It.

Matthew was Running,Over to One of the Boats,So,He could escape,From New York,And,Move On,To,Wherever He was going to Go Next.

Matthew jumped Off of the Dock,Onto One of the Smaller Boats,To,Leave his Home,Again,And,Find Somewhere,Where Godzilla wasn't going to be.

Matthew walked Up to Front of the Boat,To the Control Panel,And,Switched It On,About to Float Away from New York.

That was.


The Water,Below the Boat,Splashed and Sloshed Around,as the Boat rocked,From Side to Side,Very Quickly,Almost like It was about to Sink.

Matthew felt the Boat Rock,So Suddenly,as He swerved,From Side to Side,As Well.

Matthew Screamed as He moved,From the Left and the Right,So Much,That,He lost his Footing,And,Almost went Over the Side to fall into the Ocean.


The Strange Part was,That,He didn't,He had stopped,Falling before,He,Even went over the Side as Matthew,Just felt the Smallest Push,Push Him Back Up onto his Feet,While,The Water continued to Slosh About,Loudly.

Matthew,Knowing,That,Something was Off,Quickly,Looked towards the Water,But,All He could See was Something's Thick Scaly Legs.

Realizing,He might know,What It was,Matthew looked Up to the Sky,Where He saw Godzilla,Looking Down at Him,With his Serious Face.

Godzilla was,Now,Currently,Behind the Boat,With his Head lowered Down to look at the Boat Closely,as He moved his Hand,Away from the Boat,And,Matthew,Having been the One,Who had saved Him,From going Over.

Matthew,Once More,Did not Move,He,Just stood There,Staring at Godzilla Back,Knowing It to be the Only Thing,That,He could do,At This Very Moment.

Matthew didn't Say Anything to Godzilla,Either,He,Just continued standing There,Staring Up at Him.

Godzilla Huffed,Through his Nose,Breathing All Over Matthew,Making Matthew's Hair Move,For a Minute,Before,Going Back to Normal.

Godzilla,Wondering,What He was doing,Right Now,Shook his Head,To Snap Himself Out of,Whatever was going On,as He turned Away from Matthew,Going Back to Walking Deeper,Into the Ocean,So,He could Go Home.

And,That was,Exactly,What Godzilla did.

He walked Deeper,Into the Ocean,Until,It was Deep Enough for Him,as He,Then,Lowered Himself Down,Into the Water,And,Began Swimming Away,From the Scene.

The Minute,That Godzilla was,Fully,Into the Water,Matthew let Out a Big Sigh of Relief,Glad to have been spared by the Huge Titan,Again.

Even Though,It,Kind Of,Confused Him,He was Glad,To have not been Killed,By the Very Lizard,That,He despised.

Matthew turned Back Around,To the Front of the Boat,as He ran,Over to the Control Panel,To Go Back to,Trying to Leave the,Practically,Completely Destroyed City.

That was When.

Matthew heard Someone's Voice.

"Hey,Kid,You're coming with Us," Two Military Soldiers declared as They walked Over to his Boats,With Their Guns,In Hand.

"Um,Who are You?" Matthew questioned,Out of Concern,as He,Secretly,Put his Hand,On the Lever,That,Made the Boat start Moving,Not Trusting Either Soldier to,Even,Remotely,Go With.

"Military,Now,Let's Go," Soldier #1 replied,Answering Matthew's Question,Before,Commanding Him to Go with Them.

"Uh,What if I Refused?" Matthew wondered,Nervously,Worried,About,What They were going to Say Next.

"Then,You will be Physically Forced to Come with Us,And,Put to Sleep," Soldier #2 answered,Aggressively,as They raised Their Guns.

Matthew,Realizing,That,The Two meant Business,Took his Hand off of the Lever,And,Held his Hands Up to the Sky.

"Okay,Okay,You got Me,No need to get Aggressive," Matthew responded,Fearfully,Not wanting to be Kidnapped,And,Put Out,as He got Off the Boat and Back onto the Dock,Letting the Two of Them,Lead Him to,Where They wanted Him to Go.

Matthew wanted to Run,But,He knew,The Minute,That,He tried,They would take Him Out,And,Force Him to Go,Anyway.

His Only Choice was to Go with the Two Men,To Wherever They were taking Him,Which was Hopefully,To a Safe Place Away from All of the Danger.

Godzilla King of the Monsters: Coexistence and CataclysmsWhere stories live. Discover now