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Jimin reached for his phone with his eyes still closed. Once he brought his phone close to his face, he opened his eyes and he turned his phone on. Lucky for him, he had turned on an orange filter over his screen and turned his brightness down. 9 A.M. His husband might be awake and working as it's only midnight for him.

He got up with a yawn and checked on Taehyung. He brushed the man's bangs off his forehead and smiled at how peacefully he was sleeping. He walked into the bathroom and shut the door softly behind him. Jimin hopped up on the counter and dialed his husband.

It rang once, twice, thrice.


Jimin grinned. "Hi."

"Hey. Is something wrong?"

"No, I just miss you. I'm taking the only downtime I might get on this trip to tell you you're still my number one."

Namjoon chuckled. "Thank you, Baby. You're still my number one, too."

Jimin flipped his imaginary hair. "Obviously."

Namjoon laughed a little louder and Jimin smiled to himself proudly.

"Any important business coming up?"

"I've told you about everything, Love."

"I know but maybe something came up recently. Is there?"

"Just a business trip."

"See! You didn't tell me that. Liar," Jimin scowled.

Namjoon laughed as he ruffled around. "I'm heading out to Japan next week."

"That is extremely out of the way of Belgium," Jimin pouted.

"I'll come visit on my flight back home."

"You promise?"

"I want to promise but I might be in Japan longer than you'll be in Belgium." Jimin groaned and Namjoon laughed in response. "But—" Jimin perked up. "I'll do my best to come see you."

"Okay~" Jimin gushed. "I want to talk about something with you but I want to be face-to-face when you say it."

"Baby, you're saying that so I come to see you. You know I'm curious."

Jimin giggled as he heard ruffling and shuffling on the other side of the bathroom door.

"I've been found out," Jimin teased.

Bang bang bang!

"Park Jimin, are you cheating on me!?" Taehyung shouted groggily from the other side of the bathroom door.

"I've been found out again!" Jimin laughed before hopping from the sink. "I've gotta go now. Get some rest, it's late there. Goodnight. I love you!"

"I love you too."

Jimin hung up as he opened the door to find Taehyung wearing Perry the Platypus pajama pants and no shirt. The man's arms were crossed and his hair was a mess. Jimin giggled.

"You were asleep," Jimin pouted.

Taehyung squinted. "You just saw him yesterday."

Jimin groaned and threw his head back. "That's so long!"

"I can't stand you," Taehyung rolled his eyes and left the bathroom.

They sat on the couch in the open area of the hotel and watched their favorite show together, cuddled up with each other, and drank tea. Once the clock hit 11:15 AM, they decided to get up and start their day.

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