Chapter 10: 2 weeks of torture

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Sophie POV:

I couldn't even bring myself to be upright or rise from my carpet floor. The carpet had so much blood on it that it looked like it had paint spilled on it.

I felt like a twig that was being bent to its limits. My entire body was bruised or bloody, and every muscle and joint wanted to give up on me. I didn't sleep, eat, or drink anything for so long that I lost track time.

Edaline would come into my room hourly and would beat me in some way. Sometimes it was the bat, fists, random objects, and she even started forcing me to take off my shirt so she could whip me with a belt. I couldn't survive for much longer.

I didn't sleep because she would beat me, I couldn't relax because I was in pain, I couldn't even think properly because I hadn't eaten anything.

Edaline just walked in. She came over to me and punched my mouth, causing blood to spill from the side. Then she kicked my side, leaving me in a  ball on the ground. She grabbed me by my hair and started dragging me downstairs, and then threw me onto the front yard.

"No going to friends houses, or being with friends." Edaline snarled. "I want you to live on the streets for 3 days and then come back."

She slammed the door shut, leaving me alone.

"Sophie?" A familiar voice said.

I turned my head around to find all my friends and my brothers. My brothers ran to me and hugged me.

"What did they do to you?" Adam asked, wiping blood from my cheek.

I opened my mouth to respond, but no words came out.

Then Dex ran towards me.

"When was the last time you ate something?" Dex asked, looking me up and down.

I looked at my shoes. "I don't know."

Biana pulled out a cookie from her bag and handed it to me.

"Eat." She demanded.

I inhaled that cookie in less than 10 seconds.

"What did they do to you?" Keefe muttered, helping me up and supporting most of my body weight.

"A lot." I said quietly as we walked to the tree house. "What day is it?"

Keefe stopped making everyone else stop.

"It's Sunday." He said slowly.

"It feels like I've been away way longer than one day." I said.

Everyone's eyes widened.

"No Foster." Keefe said. "You were away for 2 weeks."

My heart stopped.

"Two weeks?" I whispered.

Keefe nodded.

My eyes glazed over and I continued walking.

I immediately started bandaging my cuts and wounds the second I sat down.

"Dex I need your help." I said.

I had him sit behind me. I lifted up my shirt, making him gasp.

"They have never done this to you before." He murmured.

Keefe got up and gasped at the wound. Then he sat next to me and held my hand.

"Those are belt marks." He whispered in my ear.

I nodded, making his eyes widen.

Dex seemed to notice the difference too, but didn't say anything.

"Sophie you look awful, no offense." Linh said.

"None taken."

"But seriously, you look way skinnier, and I can't tell if there are bags under your eyes or if their bruises." Tam added.

"Well I haven't slept because the beatings were hourly, and I haven't ate anything for a while."

"When was the last time you ate?" Marella asked.

I had to think about that.

"The last time I ate was... at Denny's." I said quietly.

Everyone's eyes widened.

Biana rushed to the back for a minute and returned with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. She shoved it into my my hand and stared at me.


I glanced at Keefe who looked serious.

"Now." He said, even though it was more like a demand.

I immediately ate the sandwich in record speed. I was still starving, but it helped.

"Thanks guys." I said, glancing at my brothers. "For helping us."

"Of course." Linh said. "No one should have to go through what you guys are going through."

I nodded.

"Hey Foster could I talk to you in private for a second?" Keefe whispered to me.


We got up she walked to the corner of the room, everyone pretending to talk but they were watching us.

"What's up?" I asked.

He looked down at his shoes and murmured something.

"Could you say that a bit louder?"

He turned bright pink and faced me, his eyes full of emotion.

"I... I have been needing to tell you something." He said, trying not to drop eye contact with me. "I like you Foster. More than friends like you, and if it's okay with you I would like to be more than friends."

I stepped back in shock. Someone as good looking, kind, sweet, and caring would like... me?

He opened his mouth to say something as I slowly walked towards him. But I cut him off by pressing a kiss on his soft lips. I felt at home as he returned it and placed his hand on my back. Then I pulled away and felt my eyes glaze as I stared into his brilliant blue eyes.

"I like you too Keefe." I said. "More than friends, and I would gladly be something more with you."

A smile formed on his face.

"Then would you like to be my date to the dance on Tuesday?"

I turned pink at the request.

"Yes I would." I said and kissed his cheek. "I love you Keefe."

"I love you too Foster." He whispered.

"Awwwww!" Biana, Marella, and Linh said.

Keefe and I both turned red.

"You guys are so cute." Biana awed.

"It seriously took you guys long enough." Dex added.

I rolled my eyes. "Okay guys."

"Sophie do you have a boyfriend now?" Jacob asked.

"Yes I do." I said. "It's Keefe."

"So your boyfriend is your crush?" Adam asked.

Keefe flushed and everyone laughed as I turned beet red.

"Yes." I said slowly. "I think we should get to bed. It's getting late and I'm sleep deprived."

Everyone nodded and went to bed. Keefe and I fell asleep on the couch in each others arms.

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