Chapter 7: Detention

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Sophie POV:

That night I slept with a smile on my face. Keefe Sencen. The name echoed in my mind. The boy with messy blond hair and ice blue eyes was talking to me and became my friend. I was practically glowing.

Then I was woken up.

"GET OUT OF BED YOU LAZY SLOB!" Edaline yelled at me.

I jumped out of the bed, and found Edaline standing there with a mad look. She slapped my cheek, making me fall back on my bed.

"Make us breakfast, now." She said and walked out.

Grady was watching T.V. as usual, which thankfully meant he hadn't touched the boys. I made scrambled eggs for everyone and made my brothers sandwiches for school.

I got up to bring the boys their breakfast, when the second I turned around a glass body collided with the wall beside me. The glass shards cut my left cheek, which left knicks and scratches on it.

Grady only laughed.

I sighed and brought the food to my brothers.

"Your bleeding." Adam said.

I shrugged. "I'll be fine."

"How was the party thing yesterday?" He asked.

I smiled. "If I tell you this you can't tell anyone." Both the boys nodded. "I think I have a crush."

The boys both cheered quietly and smiled.

"Who?" They asked at the same time.

"Keefe Sencen. One of the boys I told you guys about."

Jacob frowned. "Isn't he one of your bullies?"

I smiled. "Things change."

I kissed them both on the top of the head, then cleaned my face, changed, and left.

"What happened to your face?" Keefe asked.

I slightly paled, forgetting to come up with an excuse. "I-I dropped a plate this morning and it cut me a bit. Nothing bad."

Keefe seemed like he didn't believe it, but he nodded.

Then the rest of his friends came. Fitz, Tam, and Marella gave me a dirty look. But Dex, Linh, and Biana seemed fine, though they kept giving Keefe looks.

We went to first period where we had a problem.

"Sophie, what happened to your face?" Mr. Sweeney asked.

"I dropped a plate and the glass cut me." I said.

He frowned. "I don't believe you. Stop lying."

I muttered a curse, because Mr. Sweeney hated me. I had no idea why, but he does not like me.

"I'm not lying." I said.

Mr. Sweeney looked ready to explode. "Detention after school!"

"What!" Keefe, Dex, and I blurted at the same time.

"Detention for all three of you actually." Mr. Sweeney said, calmly.

I glanced at the Populars who looked ready to explode. Keefe and Dex gave me a shocked look, and I returned it. Then I focused on the lesson.

"This is insane!" Keefe said as we walked to the detention room. "How does he accuse you of lying when your telling the truth?"

I felt a pang of guilt since I was lying.

"I don't know." I said quietly.

"You know what I'm going to do," Keefe said with a smirk forming. "I'm gonna prank him."

My eyes widened.

"Keefe no..." Dex warned, but he didn't care.

"It will be after school tomorrow and I'll bring my stuff. Are you guys in?" Keefe said, looking like he had a million ideas running in his head.

"Keefe, I can't." I said, catching his attention. "I can't be late, Edaline and Grady get worried."

Dex gave me a look and tapped morris code on his leg.

After detention come over.

No, I tapped on my leg. Edaline will beat me and you know that. She already will once I get back today for being late.

"Okay after school," Keefe started. "Let's all get Starbucks."

I sighed. "I can't. Edaline and Grady won't let. Dex will though."

He gave me a look.

I'll be fine. I assured him.

He nodded and we finally made it to the classroom.

"Well," Mrs. Galvin started. "Now that everyone is here, we can begin. Take a seat."

Dex sat behind me, and Keefe sat next to me.

"Now, Sophie Foster please tell everyone what you did to be in detention."

I sighed. "I lied to a teacher."

"Dex Dizznee."

"I spoke without permission."

"Keefe Sencen."

"I spoke without permission."

Everyone else said what they did wrong, and then we had to stay silent. After detention ended we walked home and I sent up a prayer before I walked in.


I sighed and went upstairs.

Edaline sat on my bed, looking really mad.

"Your father and I watched an action film today, with all sorts of weapons." Edaline said, her breath smelling like alcohol. I immediately paled, knowing exactly where this was going. "The school called and said that you had detention. WE DONT RAISE FAILURES IN THIS HOUSEHOLD!"

She pulled out a wooden bat from behind my bed. I gulped and knew that this was about to be really bad.

"I'm sor-" I started, before getting hit on the side of the head.

I crashed into the wall, my ears ringing. I lay on the ground, and felt a warm liquid sliding down my face. Before I could even react, the bat pelted me everywhere. On my shins, back, stomach, arms, and ribs.

I wanted to die. I'm surprised I hadn't passed out as she kept going. The pain felt like bricks bashing into me over and over again. I felt bruses form, old ones start bleeding, and new cuts from the splinters.

Then Edaline stopped.

I was too weak to do anything. She grabbed me by the neck and dragged me down the stairs. She opened the door and tossed me outside, onto the front yard.

"Oh my god..." someone said.

I looked up to find all the Populars, and Keefe staring at me with wide eyes.

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