Chapter 8: Get them

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Keefe POV:

"Why do you hate her so much?" Dex asked Fitz as we left the house to go to Starbucks.

"She is annoying." Fitz said calmly.

"You don't even know her." I argued. "She is really nice."

He rolled his eyes.

"Your just saying that because you like her." He said.

I turned pink and looked away. Then there was a thump.

We looked at the front yard of Sophie's house, where Sophie lay right in front of us. She was bleeding in a lot of places, was covered in blood.

"Oh my god." Marella said.

Sophie looked up at us with glassy eyes. She had a black eye and blood was dripping from the corner of her mouth.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I can't tell you guys here." Sophie said quietly. Seeing her like this made my heart feel heavy.

"Let's go to the tree house." Biana said.

We walked in silence, Dex supporting most of Sophie's body weight. Once we got to the Vackers house which was a 5 minute walk, we went to the back yard and climbed the ladder to the massive tree house.

It was huge. It had space for at least 20 people. There were couches and boxes with food inside. Biana brought out some blankets and sleeping bags. She gave Sophie a first aid kit, and we sat on the ground and couches.

"Sooo..." Tam said, holding out the "o". "Sophie, can you tell us what happened?"

She glanced at Dex who was helping her clean her wounds.

"You guys can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. Promise me that." Sophie said, watching Dex clean the blood off her arm.

Once we agreed she sighed.

"Grady and Edaline abuse me." She said, looking down. "They are always drinking and are on some sort of drug. They hit me for fun always before and after school, and whenever they feel like it... it's the reason I had to turn down your offer Keefe. I got a beating for getting detention, if I came home later then I would have gotten it worse."

Everyone was in shock.

I glanced at Fitz who looked ashamed. Then Biana, Marella, and Linh rushed up to Sophie and hugged her. Soon everyone else had as well.

"Sophie I'm so sorry." I said once everyone sat back down. "We all are."

Everyone agreed.

"How long has this been going on for?" Biana asked.

Sophie sighed "Since my brothers..."

She paled instantly.

"What's wrong?" Dex asked.

Sophie's eyes glazed over. "My brothers are at home right now, with them... their going to get hurt." She rushed to her feet, but nearly fell back down.

I rushed over to her and held her back. "Tam, Fitz, Dex, and I will go get them okay."

Sophie nodded and pulled a key out of her pocket. She then handed it to Dex. "Climb the tree to my room. The boys room is the one to the right of the bathroom upstairs."

We nodded and left the treehouse. We jogged to Sophie's house.

"How long have you known Dex?" Fitz asked.

He sighed. "Since she was 6. Two months after she moved in with them she told me."

I paled. "This has been going on since she was 6?"

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