Chapter 6: She has a Secret

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Keefe POV:

I smirked when Sophie walked in. People tend to confuse my smirks if they don't know me well. I have two different kinds: my mischievous one, and my cover up for trying to read someone. The one I gave Sophie was the second one.

You see I had a feeling that she was hiding something, though I wasn't surprised that she was keeping it from us.

Being leader of the Populars, I should make all the decisions, right? Wrong. Our group runs off of group made decisions. I don't wanna bully Sophie, but our group enjoys it so I kinda have to.

Someone snapped their fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my daze.

"Geez Fitzy can't one have a minute to think?" I mumbled.

Fitz smiled. "What were you thinking about?"

"None of your business."

He nodded and went back to his conversation.

I adjusted myself to be able to pay attention to them, but I winced at my bruises on my stomach.

Here is a secret I haven't told anyone: I used to get abused. My mom and dad would do it, for fun or when their mad. It doesn't matter, they would just hurt me when they felt like it. But two days ago my parents passed away from overdose. It's why I have been staying with the Vackers. I think they might adopt me too!

"Keefe he is gonna do it." Marella said, tapping on my shoulder.

"Why don't you sit with us Dex?" Fitz asked. "It's where you belong."

Sophie mumbled something too him, making him shake his head.

"Because I'm not a bully." Dex said calmly. "Sophie told me what happened after I left. How could you guys do that?"

My heart sank at the memory of what we did to her.

"No one liked her anyway." Fitz scoffed. "She's a weirdo and a freak."

Dex got up, but Sophie held him back.

"Fitz calm-" I started, but he cut me off.

"I'm giving the truth Keefe." Fitz told me.

I shook my head.

"Don't tell me your taking her side now." Biana said.

I sighed and shook my head. "I'm not."

"Maybe if you knew what she-" Dex started, but Sophie immediately covered his mouth and whispered something to him.

He almost blew her secret. I would figure it out soon.

"Fitz can you lay off?" Sophie asked calmly.

Fitz smirked. "Why should I?"

"Because you acting like this proves you aren't the golden boy everyone thinks you are." Sophie said.

A snicker escaped me earning a glare from Fitz.

"At least I have parents who care about me and didn't put me up for adoption." Fitz said, beet red.

Dex looked ready to attack Fitz for that one, and I'll even admit that was too far.

Sophie's eyes glazed over. Then she mumbled something under her breath.

"Say that louder." Fitz said, and now I was actually gonna attack him.

Sophie looked up and a tear rolled down her cheek. "My parents didn't put me up for adoption. They died in a car crash when I was 6."

With that she left the room, leaving us all shocked.

"Look what you've done." Dex said. "How could you even say that to someone?"

Fitz was too stunned to speak.

"I'm going to talk to her." I blurted, and right before Dex was about to protest, I cut him off. "Trust me."

With that I left the room and went to the restroom where Sophie was, wiping her tears.

"I'm sorry he said that." I said, making her jump.

"Your not going to hit me or anything?" She asked.

I sighed and walked into the restroom and closed the door.

"I'm going to be honest Sophie," I said slowly. "I never wanted to hurt you in the first place. I just did it..."

"To be cool." Sophie finished, facing me. "I get it Keefe, but still I don't think that's right. I think it's for a different reason, and I'm not going to ask why."

I nodded.

"What were your parents like?" I asked.

A tear rolled down her cheek. "They were great people. Always put others before themselves. They would try to make me happy no matter what situation we were in. Then they died in a car crash and I ended up here."

"I'm so sorry." I said, my own tears forming. "I had no idea."

Sophie nodded.

"It was nice talking to you Keefe." Sophie said. "B-but I think that I have to go right now. I can't be in a room with Fitz."

I nodded. "We could just talk if you would like?"

Sophie turned pink at the request. "Sure."

My heart fluttered. Wait, my heart fluttered? That has never happened before.

I cleared my throat. "What's your last name? Like old not new."

"Foster. Sophie Foster." She said, leaning against the wall. "I don't like going by the Ruewen title."

I smiled. "It doesn't sound good on you, Foster."

She turned bright pink.

"Blush much." I said, making her blush more.

We both laughed at that.

"Did you just give me a knick name?" She asked.

I paled. "If you don't-"

"No no. I like it." She said. "My name sounds boring anyways."

"Foster makes it sound better too."

She smiled. "Thanks Keefe, for understanding."

I nodded and smiled. "Of course. I'll get it more likely than anyone else."

"Then I'll come to you if I need anything."

We then walked out of the bathroom where Biana, Linh, and Dex stood.

I cleared my throat. "Hey guys..."

They all smiled.

"Sophie is leaving." Dex said. "We came to let you guys know."

Sophie nodded.

The second Dex walked Sophie out, I got bombarded by girly squeals.

"You guys are so cute!" Biana said.

I frowned. "I thought you guys don't like her."

Linh shrugged. "If Keefe Sencen finally met the girl of his dreams, then we like her."

I blushed.

I wondered if Foster really could be the girl of my dreams? Though, I think I found my first crush.

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