Chapter 3: Traitors

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Sophie POV:

I felt awful as usual after a beating. My eyes fluttered open to a familiar blond haired boy with periwinkle eyes, wiping my wounds with a wet towel soaked in hot water.

"Hey Dex." I said, getting upright.

He gave me a sad smile. "You weren't waking up, I got worried."

"Well you know just the usual." I said casually, making his expression turn to worry. "I'm fine though. I'm used to it."

He sighed. "You passed out. That's usual?"

I shrugged.

"How did you get the bandages and healing supplies?" I asked.

Dex gave me a sad smile once again. He lifted up the thin blanket of my bed, revealing my first aid kit I kept under my bed.

"I remembered from before I moved away." Dex said, focusing on wiping the blood off of my arm. "When I would sneak into your house and climb up the tree to your room. I remember how I used to clean your wounds when you were 6. It kills me to see them still do it."

I sighed. "I can't believe you remembered. I can't even believe you remembered the morris code."

He shrugged and was about to say something when my door creaked open. We immediately whipped around to find the twins standing there.

I let out a sigh of relief and gestured for them to come in.

"Dex these are my brothers Adam and Jacob." I said, pointing to each one. "Guys this is Dex. He is the boy I told you guys about."

Adam closed the door and rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" Adam asked.

I smiled. "I'm fine."

"Did they do it because of the food thing?" Jacob asked.

I opened my mouth to respond when Dex cut me off.

"Food thing?"

"I snuck some food to the boys earlier at dinner when I used the restroom." I explained.

His eyes widened at a discovery.

"Boys go back to your room. Dex you have to go downstairs. Edaline will get suspicious."

All the boys nodded and left the room.

I put on the makeup and bandaged my wounds, replaying the memory of Edaline right now.

Flashback of what happened

"Sophie come." Edaline had said after I took Dex to the restroom.

I walked over to her and she looked really mad.

"Go to your room now." She whispered in my ear. "You have to be punished for your actions at school."

I was honestly scared because I had left her alone with Fitz, Biana, and Keefe. They could have said some really bad things about me.

Once we got to my room, I heard the door lock behind me. The second I turned around, Edaline's fist made contact with my face. I fell backwards and crashed into my bed.

"You have been slipping lately Sophie." Edaline said. "These kids go to your school and they told me all about the trouble you cause."

"N-no I do-don't cause any t-trouble." I stuttered. "Please-"

I was cut off by another hit to the face. Then another. And another. As her fists turned into her shoes, pelting me at all parts of my body, this pain was the worst I had felt in a while. Her heels left cuts that went through my dress and left wholes in it. I counted in my head, trying to leave the world of pain I was in. Then it suddenly stopped.

I weakly looked up at Edaline, who had a evil smirk plastered across her face, and her shoe was raised above my face. Before I could do anything her shoe crashed down and the world went dark.

*flashback ended*

Tears welled in my eyes at the memory. I finished the rest of the makeup, then I went downstairs.

Edaline gave me an evil smile, and Grady flashed a quick one too. The Populars didn't seem to care, and Dex gave me a sincere smile.

I cleaned up the dishes and utensils, then before I knew it everyone had left. I cleaned up the house and then flopped onto my bed and went into a peaceful night of sleep.

"GET UP YOU BRATS!" Someone screamed, making me jump. I looked around my room for Grady who had yelled, but no one was here. Then I heard someone cry out in pain.


I leaped out of bed and ran to the boys room. The moment I walked in, I watched Grady kick my 8 year old brother in the stomach, making him cry out again.

I ran forward when my leg was kicked out from under me. I fell flat on my back, biting my lip so I don't cry out from my bruises. I looked up at Edaline. She grabbed me by my neck , cutting of my airway. Then she tossed me outside the boys room.

"Don't get yourself involved." She snarled.

"Don't hurt them." I begged. "They are only 8."

Then Grady walked out the boys room with Edaline. I gulped and scooted backwards. Then Grady kicked my stomach, sending me down the stairs in a heap.


They thankfully came downstairs and left the boys alone in their room. I quickly made scrambled eggs with the 4 remaining eggs we had. I gave on cooked one for Edaline, Grady, Jacob, and Adam. I brought the plates to the boys room with a towel soaked in warm water.

I placed the eggs down on the rug in their room and rushed over to Adams unconscious body and where Jacob was leaning over him.

"Jacob go eat." I told him and guided him to the plate of eggs. "I'll help your brother."

I went back to Adams unconscious body and sighed with tears in my eyes. I cleaned his wounds, and found out that the reason he passed out was because of a blow to the head. I cleaned the blood dripping from his temple, and put a band aide on it. I also did his makeup while he was unconscious, and by that I mean I covered all his cuts and bruises with concealer.

I did the same treatment with Jacob, except his only major wound was a big round bruise on his rib cage.

After I finished with the boys, I packed their lunches and we left for school.

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