Chapter 1

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-Minato POV-

   I walk to the training grounds, looking over the contents of the new mission The Third gave me, "We have to collect a document from a small village not too far from the Leaf" I mutter to myself. I wonder what the document is for, I thought as I put away the small scroll into my pocket.

  A couple minutes of walking later, I make it to the training grounds, where I see Kakashi leaning against a always.

"Early like always, Kakashi" I walk towards him with a smile. He nods, not saying anything, keeping his eyes closed and arms crossed.

  I sigh, sitting down against a trunk as we wait for Rin and Obito to get here. Rin should be here for Obito...well...he'll make it here eventually,  I thought as I played with a kunai between my fingers, swirling it around as i occasionally glanced at Kakashi.

  The silence is killing me, I thought. "Nice weather, eh Kakashi?" I say with a grin as I look over to Kakashi, hoping for a response...a verbal response, though, most likely wont happen. Eventually he nods, showing he acknowledged what I had said. I give a nervous chuckle, at least I tried, I thought.

  After a few more minutes of waitng, Rin comes running towards the training grounds with a smile. "Hi Sensei! Sorry i'm a little late!" She says apologetically. "It's ok Rin, you're only late about 3 minutes" I reassure her with a smile. She chuckles, then looks over to Kakashi with a smile "Kakashi!" She yells as she runs over to him cheerfully. I smile softly as I watch Rin try to converse with him, Kakashi giving a few nods here and there. Well, at least hes listening..., I think to myself as I watch them.

  "Alright you two!" I yell as I clap my hands to get their attention, "Let's get some sparring in as we wait for Obito, you two, aganist me, capeesh?'" I explain with a eyes closed smile, "Yes Sensei!" They simultaneously, "good, you may start" I say, getting into a battle stance.

2 hours later

"Sensei! Sensei!"

  Faint yelling comes from the forest, getting closer and closer, I sigh to myself with a small smile, shaking my head "Looks like he finally showed up" I mutter under my breath. Obito then comes running out of the forest with wide grin on his face. "Obito! Nice of you to show up" I say smiling

"Yea Obito, nice of you to finally show up" I hear Kakashi say, knowing it wasn't in a nice way.

"Shut up Bakashi! At least i'm here, and that's all that matters" Obito spits back, Kakashi rolls his eyes you really should learn to be on time Obito" Kakashi says with a glare, I watch the two argue back and forth, as Rin tries to stop the two, Poor Rin, always breaking up fights between the two, I thought sympathetically with a small smile.

"Alright alright you two, that's enough" I say, walking in between the two arguing boys, "how about we get some training started now that Obito is here, alright?" I say, sweating forming on my face as I let out a nervous chuckle, "Yes Sensei" Kakashi says, crossing his arms as he turns away from Obito, "Yea, ok Sensei" Obito says, doing the same thing as Kakashi.

"Oh! Sensei! I wanted to tell you something!" Obito says suddenly, I turn to look at Obito "Yes Obito?" I say, waiting for him to continue. "Right, so, when I helped this old lady with her bags, she gave me this scroll as a reward, but I have no idea what it is!" He explains eagerly as he takes out the scroll from his pouch.

"Oh? Here, let me have a look" I say, putting my hand to take the scroll from him. Obito nods, handing over the scroll, but as soon as i'm about to take it from him, his hand slips (don't ask how) and the scroll falls to the ground, unlatching and rolling open as it hits the ground, I hear Kakashi sigh "Always so clumsy, aren't you Obito!" He says, shaking his head, and I chuckle, but before either of us could say anything, a bright flash of light illuminates the area, then...


-Kakashi's POV-

  I wake up to the sun shining in my face, I squint my arms, using my arm to block the sun. What happened? I thought to myself as I sat up, looking at my surroundings, looks like we're still at the training grounds, I thought, recognizing the the forest area. I then see Minato Sensei, Rin and Obito laying on the ground beside me, still unconscious. They look like they're still breathing, that's good, I should try wake Minato Sensei up so we can figure out what happened though, I though, standing up and walking over to the unconscious Minato Sensei, I bend down, shaking him a bit, "Minato Sensei, wake up" I whisper.

  A coupe seconds later, I see his eyes twitch, signaling he's waking up, "Minato Sensei! Are you ok?" I ask him as I see his eyes open.

"Kakashi...?"He says, I nod, "Yes, Sensei, it's me" I answer him. I watch Minato Sensei sit up, holding his head, "How are the other two?" He asks, I look over to Rin and Obito, "They are still unconscious, but they're alright" I answer reassuringly. He hums "I see, can you wake them up Kakashi?" He asks, I nod, standing up and walking over to the two unconscious bodies, "Hey! You two! Get up!" I say, kicking Obitos leg, and nudging Rin a little. After, what felt like a million years, they both twitch a little.

"Huh? What happened?" Rin says as she rubs her eyes and sits up, and, Obito, who had been laying there and staring at the sky for some odd reason, snaps out of it and shoots up forward, "HUH?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" He yells annoyingly,"Sh! Obito! You're being loud" I tell him with a annoyed glare, he sticks his tongue out and me and rolls his eyes ,"What ever Bakashi", I sigh, turning around and walking back over to Minato Sensei, who had been standing there silently, seeming to be thinking.

"Minato Sensei!" An obnoxious voice yells, as Obito runs up to Sensei, "Do you know what happened?! What was the bright light?! And where is that scroll!" Obito rambles as he looks on the ground for that scroll, "Obito clam down, we are still at the training grounds...but..." Minato Sensei's voice fades as he puts two fingers under his chin, thinking, "but what Sensei?" Rin says, who has been watching Obito freak out the entire time.

"Well...i'm not 100% sure, but, this isn't our  training grounds... but it looks exactly like it" He explains, but before Minato Sensei can continue, a voice appears from behind us.

"Who are you?"

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