But Emé persisted, her voice shaky, "Were you expecting a boy? It's true that he... Huff... the son is the heir? Should Huff... we try again?"

He approached her slowly, his every step deliberate. Standing over her, he gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze. "You did well," he murmured, his voice icy cold. The words, though simple, carried a weight that was not lost on Emé.

"But sir," she began, her voice quivering, "the main family... the heir..."

He cut her off with a sharp gesture. "The main family will have its heir. But you, Emé, have given me something more valuable."

She looked at him, confusion evident in her eyes. "What do you mean?"

He leaned in closer, his voice a mere whisper, "Power, Emé. With Mayumi, our bloodline will be unstoppable."

A shiver ran down Emé's spine, the gravity of his words sinking in. "What have we done?" she whispered, her voice filled with regret.

He pulled away, a sinister smile playing on his lips. "We've ensured our legacy, Emé. And now, it's time to embrace it."

As he left the room, Emé was left alone with her thoughts, the weight of the future pressing down on her. The path ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: the Hiraoka legacy had taken a dark turn, and there was no turning back.

In the dimly lit study of the Hiraoka mansion, the two brothers sat across from each other, a heavy silence enveloping them. The room was adorned with artifacts and scrolls, each bearing witness to the family's long and storied history. The scent of aged wood and burning incense filled the air, adding to the gravity of their conversation.

The elder brother, the head of the Hiraoka family, broke the silence, his voice cold and calculated. "It seems the heavens despise me," he murmured, his eyes fixed on a distant point, as if lost in thought.

His younger brother, a respected figure within the family but always in the shadow of his elder, shifted uncomfortably in his seat. "What do you mean?" he asked cautiously.

The elder brother turned his gaze to meet his brother's, his eyes piercing. "Mayumi," he began, the name dripping with a mix of pride and resentment, "She is a girl. An heir, yes, but not the one I envisioned."

His brother nodded slowly, understanding the weight of the situation. "So, what do you plan to do?"

The elder brother leaned back, steepling his fingers as he pondered the question. "If you were to have a son," he began, his voice laced with a hint of desperation, "Would you be willing to give him to me?"

His brother's eyes widened in surprise, the request catching him off guard. "Give him to you?" he echoed, trying to make sense of the proposition.

"Yes," the elder brother replied, his voice growing more insistent. "To be raised as my own, to be groomed to lead the main family. It would ensure our legacy, strengthen our position."

His brother hesitated, the weight of the request pressing down on him. "And what of the child's mother? My wife?"

The elder brother waved off the concern dismissively. "She will understand. It's for the greater good, for the family."

A long silence followed as the two brothers locked eyes, each grappling with the gravity of the decision before them. Finally, the younger brother spoke, his voice firm but filled with conflict. "I will consider your request," he said, rising from his seat.

The elder brother nodded, satisfied. "Take your time. But remember, the future of the Hiraoka family rests in our hands."

As the younger brother left the room, the elder brother sat alone, a smile playing on his lips. He was one step closer to securing his legacy, and nothing would stand in his way.

The room was cloaked in shadows as Mayu stirred awake, beads of cold sweat glistening on her forehead. The unsettling dream lingered, leaving behind a trail of discomfort that clung to her like a persistent fog. The revelations about her father's cunning machinations played on a loop in her mind, and the weight of the truth pressed down on her chest.

She sat up, the sheets slipping off her form, as the reality of her lineage settled like a heavy shroud. Her father, the puppeteer behind the curtain, orchestrating the destiny of the Hiraoka family with a sinister finesse. Mayu couldn't shake the feeling that she was merely a pawn in a grand, calculated game.

Running a shaky hand through her disheveled hair, Mayu tried to dispel the remnants of the dream. The room, though bathed in the soft glow of dawn, felt stifling. The air hung heavy with the gravity of the revelations, and the walls seemed to close in on her.

The echoes of her father's words reverberated in her mind, his request to her uncle to provide a male heir for the sake of the family's legacy. It was a revelation that painted her father in shades of darkness she hadn't fathomed. The notion that her birth was part of a calculated plan, a scheme to ensure the continuation of the main family's dominance, left her feeling exposed and vulnerable.

Mayu swung her legs over the side of the bed, her bare feet meeting the cool floor. The silence in the room was oppressive, and she felt a surge of restlessness, an urgency to distance herself from the revelations that threatened to consume her.

She paced the room, her steps measured but purposeful. Each revelation fueled a burgeoning anger within her-an anger directed at her father, at Ren, and at the tangled web of family secrets that ensnared her. The weight of responsibility pressed down on her shoulders, a burden she hadn't asked for but had been thrust upon her nonetheless.

Fingers raked through her hair as she grappled with the tangled emotions swirling within. Ren's betrayal and her father's manipulations-it was a toxic brew that threatened to engulf her sanity. She couldn't afford to unravel now. There were challenges ahead, and her mind needed to be sharp, her focus unwavering.

As the first rays of sunlight filtered through the curtains, Mayu made a silent vow to herself. She wouldn't succumb to the shadows of her past. Instead, she would forge her path, untangling the web of deceit and secrecy that threatened to ensnare her. The challenges were daunting, but Mayu, fueled by a newfound resolve, was determined to confront them head-on.

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