Team Eon

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Wallace's eyes shifted slightly, a hint of pride flickering within them. "You should know, Ren," he began, "Blendy is actually Phoebe's apprentice. Just as you are my protégé, she has been under Phoebe's guidance for quite some time."

Ren's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze shifting to Blendy. The revelation added another layer of complexity to their impending battle, knowing that Blendy had trained under one of the Elite Four. But Ren's determination remained unwavering, her eyes meeting Blendy's with a fiery resolve.

"I have five Pokémon with me," Ren replied, her voice filled with confidence. "And I'm ready to face you, Blendy, in a 5 v 5 battle."

Blendy nodded, her expression serious as she prepared to select her Pokémon. "Very well," she replied, her voice tinged with determination. 

"Are you ready, Ren?" Blendy asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

Ren nodded, her eyes meeting Blendy's as she prepared to make her first move. "I was born ready," she replied, her voice tinged with determination.

Riyu watched intently from the sidelines, her fingers nervously clutching the edge of her shirt. She had witnessed Ren's dedication to contests over the past few weeks, and while she admired her friend's passion and skill in that arena, she couldn't help but worry about how it might affect her battling abilities.

"Ren's been so focused on contests lately," Riyu murmured to herself, her eyes never leaving the battlefield. "I just hope she hasn't forgotten how to battle."

"What if her strategies have become too predictable?" Riyu wondered, chewing on her lower lip. "Or worse, what if she's out of practice?"

The battlefield in Wallace's verdant garden was alive with energy, the anticipation palpable in the air. The crowd held their collective breaths as Ren and Blendy, two formidable trainers, prepared for what promised to be an epic battle.

**Round 1: Combusken vs. Duskull**

Ren's Combusken, a fiery and agile Pokémon, took the field first. Its opponent was Blendy's Duskull, a ghostly Pokémon known for its tricky moves.

"Combusken, use Double Kick!" Ren commanded.

But Blendy was prepared. "Duskull, use Confuse Ray!"

A burst of disorienting light emanated from Duskull's eyes, throwing Combusken into confusion. It stumbled, its movements erratic.

"Now, Duskull, use Shadow Sneak!" Blendy shouted.

Duskull vanished and reappeared behind the confused Combusken, landing a critical hit. Combusken faltered and collapsed, unable to battle further.

Seizing the opportunity, Ren sent out her Ralts. "Ralts, use Confusion!"

Ralts focused its psychic energy, striking Duskull squarely. Duskull wobbled but managed to stay on its feet.

"Finish it with Shadow Ball!" Blendy commanded.

Duskull gathered dark energy, forming a sphere and launched it at Ralts. The super-effective move knocked Ralts out.

Ren, undeterred, sent out her Plusle. "Plusle, use Thunder Wave!"

The electrical wave paralyzed Duskull momentarily, allowing Plusle to land a powerful Spark attack which defeated it. Cacturne retaliated with a swift Needle Arm, taking Plusle down.

With Plusle down, Ren sent out Minun. "Minun, use Nuzzle!"

Minun darted forward, releasing a jolt of electricity upon contact, paralyzing Cacturne. Seizing the advantage, Minun followed up with a series of Quick Attacks, fainting Cacturne.

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