Ninja Town Of Mahogany

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As they looked around, they realized that Raiden was nowhere to be found. Concern filled their hearts as they wondered what could have happened to him. They called out his name, hoping he would respond, but there was no sign of him.

"He must have gone off on his own again," Mayu said, her worry evident in her voice.

"We should go look for him," Ren suggested. "He might be in trouble."

Riyu nodded in agreement, her eyes wide with concern for her friend. "Let's split up and search the city. He couldn't have gone too far."As they continued their search, Ren's phone suddenly rang. It was an unknown number. She hesitated for a moment before answering.

"Hello?" Ren said cautiously.

"Ah, Ren. I see you're still looking for your dear friend Raiden," the familiar voice of the mysterious sender echoed through the phone.

"What have you done with him?" Ren demanded, her voice trembling with anger and fear.

"Oh, nothing yet. But I must say, you've become quite the resourceful young lady. I'm impressed," the mysterious sender said.

"Stop playing games!" Ren snapped."I have an offer for you, Ren. Let's have a little chat. I want you to get me a scroll. A scroll that is far too precious to Mahogany. And it appears you've deviated from my mission." the mysterious sender said.

Ren's heart pounded in her chest. She knew it was risky to do it, but she couldn't bear the thought of Raiden being in danger.

"I'll do it." Ren started, but the mysterious sender cut her off.

"Oh, I haven't hurt you... yet. But the clock is ticking, Ren. You have one day.",the mysterious sender said before hanging up. Ren's hands trembled as she put the phone back in her pocket.

Mayu, Ren, and Riyu quickly regrouped and headed to Ecruteak City. They found Raiden waiting at the entrance of Mt. Mortar, looking relieved to see them.

"Raiden, where have you been? We've been worried sick!" Mayu exclaimed, rushing to his side.

"I'm sorry for disappearing like that. I needed some time alone," Raiden replied, looking slightly sheepish.

"But why? What's been bothering you?" Ren asked, her concern evident in her eyes.

Riyu tugged on Raiden's sleeve, looking up at him with her innocent eyes. "And don't forget, I believe in you."

A small smile formed on Raiden's lips as he looked at his friends. "Thank you, all of you. I'm sorry for worrying you. I just came here so that I could meet someone. Someone important..."

Ren's heart pounded with a sense of urgency as they journeyed through the winding paths of Mt. Mortar. The realization that time was slipping away quickly weighed heavily on her mind. The mysterious sender's threats, the danger surrounding them, and the need to find the precious scroll for the sender all added to the pressure she felt.

"Guys, we need to hurry," Ren said, her voice tinged with anxiety. "Time seems to be moving too fast, and we have a deadline to meet."

Mayu and Raiden exchanged concerned glances, understanding the gravity of the situation. They quickened their pace, following Ren deeper into the mountain. The echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the narrow corridors, reminding them of the ticking clock that seemed to haunt their every step.

Riyu, who was walking beside Raiden, looked up at him with innocent eyes. "Why are we in such a hurry, Ren? Are we playing a game?"

Ren smiled down at her, trying to maintain a reassuring facade despite the growing tension. "Yes, we're playing a game. But it's an important game, and we need to find something very quickly."

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