Blood Eagle

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No one POV

Freya smiled at Henry and said "Hey" and Henry said "Hey, I got you something" and Freya said "Hmm, very mysterious, is this a game?". 

Henry said "Well, one you taught me" and he held up a cup with rocks in it and Freya laughed and said "You remember." 

Henry said "Of course I remembered, it was the most fun I had, before that, the only games I played was with monks, and they're not fun people." 

Freya smiled and Henry said "So, what do you think, want to play an old game?" and Freya said "I mean we're not eight anymore, a lot has changed." 

Henry said "Hey, what happened to having fun, come on, I'm trying to" and Freya said"Your trying to cheer me up about something, what is it?". 

Henry said "Nothing" and Freya said "Your eyes are swirling,your eyes only swirl when your lying. Which is something you know I won't like it hence you brought the game, so I'll be in a better mood when I hear the news." 

Henry said "Okay, since when do you read minds" and Freya said "Not everyone, just you, I know you pretty well." 

Henry said "Well, I know you pretty well, which is how I know how your going to react" and Freya said "Then you should just tell me already." 

Henry said "It's about Jarl Borg" and Freya said "Is he dead already?". 

Henry said "No, they're holding off his execution" and Freya said "What? " and Henry said "Before you" and Freya walked away. 

Henry said "And your gone." 

He walked after her. 

Freya walked up to Ragnar and Bjorn and Bjorn said "What is troubling me is that you do not trust me." 

Ragnar said "I don't trust you?" and Bjorn said "That night you captured Jarl Borg, you told me nothing of what you meant to do. You trusted my little sister and not me." 

Freya said "Bjorn, I am not so little anymore, would saying Younger sister kill you" and Ragnar said "I sent someone to find you, your sister came, he came. They could not find you. Where were you?". 

Bjorn said "I was with Porunn. They were together as well" and Freya said "Hey" and Ragnar said "So it was your decision. You chose to be with her, rather than me." 

Bjorn said "I only ask to be kept in your confidence as your son. " 

Ragnar said "I will be the judge of how far I take you into my confidence. But as a father, I will give you some advice. Think with this... Not with your...that advice is for you as well, both of you." 

Freya said "Oh, because your so good at doing that, Why is Jarl Borg not dead yet" and Ragnar said "Revenge will come but it's being held off , until we find other allies." 

Freya said "Are you serious? He attacked your wife, your kids, and took your home, and he gets to have his execution held off." 

Ragnar looked at Henry and Henry said "I tried to lift the ba d news" and Ragnar said "I understand that you are angry, but sometimes we put logic above feelings." 

Freya said "Fine, you want to do that , fine but he better die by Blood Eagle" and Ragnar said "He will." 

Freya said "good."

Freya walked away and Henry said "Can I speak to you about something?" and Ragnar said "What could you possibly need?". 

Henry said "Um,to ask a question, I  know that she doesn't need it, that no one can tell her what to do it's one of the things that's really amazing about her." 

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