Burial Of The Dead

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No one POV 

Freya was looking up and said "Freya, we share a name, Mother and Father named me after you, Mother says because with me, she had the longest birth, she said I was very strong but yet gentle. Hence why she named for you, she thought I was a boy, considering how stubborn I was being to come out. Anyway, I am calling on you because I know I already ask you to heal my father, but now I ask you again, to help him in this battle make sure he wins. Make sure the Earl Falls. Please." 

Freya looked up and said "Usually, when I speak to you, I like to do it by a tree, but this will have to do. To be honest, I never really understood why a lot of people just go into fights and battles when the odds aren't in their favor, It's not that I don't want to go into a battle someday, I do, I want to be a fierce warrior, My mother loves it but I have to say it's not where I feel the most happy. I liked being in the farm, just taking care of the animals, and playing and watching the flowers grow, I know that's simple, and Bjorn cares for being a great warrior, and Gyda well she wants to be a warrior too, but I think I'm different. Anyway, please give my father the strenght and protect him, don't let him die. Please."

Freya looked up and Gyda ran up and Freya turned around and said "What is it" and Gyda said "Father won, the Earl is dead." 

Freya said "He won? He won" and Gyda and Freya hugged. 


Freya walked in and looked around as Leif said "Lord Ragnar, I have come to swear to you my allegiance and fealty to you and your family from this day." 

Ragnar said " Leif, you are my friend. And you, Torstein, and you, Arne, you are my friends. What is your name?". 

The Old Man said "Tostig, lord Ragnar." 

Ragnar said "Do you swear allegiance and fealty to me and to my family from this day forth?". 

Someone said "That won't be so long then!" and the crowd laughs and Tostig said "By my sacred rings I swear. But I also have a favor to ask, lord." 

Ragnar said "What is this favor? " and Tostig said "That the next time you go raiding, you take me with you." 

The crowd laughs and Bjorn said "He's an old man" and Freya said "He's brave, and he's still alive." 

Ragnar said "I do not wish to insult you, but the truth is you..." and Tostig said "That I am too old? Yes, I am old. But I have been a warrior all my life.Many years I sailed with lord Haraldson and fought battles against the Eastlanders, and I watched all the companions of my youth die. And though I fought with them in the shield-wall, never once was I touched by a blade. All the friends and companions of my youth are dead and feasting and drinking with the Aesir in the halls of the gods! While I... I am forsaken. Bereft. Which is why, I beg you, lord, gift me the chance to die with honor in battle, and join my friends in Valhalla." 

Ragnar said "This summer, we shall have more ships to go west, for that is our future. When we return to England... Let's take him with us! All in favor?". 

Everyone said Aye." 

Rollo walked up and Ragnar said "There is no need for you to swear. You have already paid a heavy price for your loyalty to me." 

Rollo said "Nevertheless, I will swear, brother. I swear to be true to you, your wife and your family... As long as your good fortune holds." 

Ragnar hugs him and Rollo said "How will we ever be equal now, my brother?". 


Freya was walking around with Henry and Henry said "So he was his enemy, but he still has a grand funeral." 

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