T h i r t y - t w o

Start from the beginning

I turned the camera so shark could see Billie and he started barking at her while wagging his tail which was so cute. She laughed at him before asking to see me again to which I turned the Camera back around and she just stared at me.

We sat in silence for a moment just looking at each other. "God you are so beautiful" she muttered not even meaning to speak that loud.

- 2 h o u r s L a t e r -

Five minutes ago the FaceTime ended because Billie had a meet and greet and now I'm standing outside my boss' office with my decision.

I knocked on the door waiting for her to say come in but this time she opened the door and was surprised seeing me at the fire station twice in one day.

"Will it take long Eleanor? I need to go and-" I cut her off pushing her up against the wall kissing her. I swear she needs a mint or something because all I can taste is coffee and I can't.

The kiss got more heated as I put my hand around her throat lightly. All of a sudden there is a knock at the door and it opens immediately. I pulled away as quick as I can but it wasn't quick enough.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt" Sam spoke wide eyed.

"It's okay I'm going now anyway" I said winking at the chief before shutting the door as both me and sam walked through.

"You're such a slut omg" she said laughing "I knew you and chief had something going on. The way she looks at you when you walk in the room speaks volumes. And now I know I was right"

"Nothing has been happening!" I yelled and lowered my voice instantly "she said if I kissed her I would have the time off I need to go on tour with Billie" Sam still didn't look convinced.

I got in my car and Sam got in the passenger seat so I'm guessing she's coming over. "I'm literally now going home and-" bing


You have tomorrow to September 20th off

Thank youuuuuu

Sam read out the text and texted back for me, obviously being herself she also scrolled through our chats clearly trying to find something to prove her theory is right. News flash she couldn't.

The whole time I was packing I had Sam constantly asking about mine and the chiefs relationship. I don't understand she doesn't show this much interest in mine and billies relationship but will try and find anything in her power to put me and the chief together.

Luckily it didn't take long for her to get bored and played in the garden with shark while I'm loading mine and sharks stuff into my car. Finn texted me our tickets and Told me that Claudia is going to be waiting at the entrance of the airport. Hats off to Finn tho he'd do anything to make his sister happy.

"Cmon shark" I yelled and he instantly ran towards me sitting infront of me wagging his tail. Considering he's a puppy he's so well behaved. Atleast he is for me. "Are we gonna see your mama" I said bending down and putting a leash on him before walking him out of the house to my car before locking up and giving Sam a spare key.

"Text me if anything goes wrong" I said passing over the keys and hugged her before getting in the car. I offered her a lift back to the station to get to her car but apparently she wanted the walk.

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