Chapter 46 - Omega's Curse

Start from the beginning

"I know, Jojo. Don't worry about me," He forced a smile too, "Be safe. I'll be here."

"Kitt!" Machida yelled as he turned around. "Kitt?"

He was nowhere to be seen. Machida grunted as the soles of his feet turned into rockets. They roared and sputtered beneath him.

"Shit, not this again!"

Sparks flew beside him just before a burst of flames sent Enjō flying up to the building. He grabbed onto the side of it and nearly slipped off. I gotta...keep goin'! He thought as he swung his aching legs through the broken glass window. Sounds of destruction filled the new air, Enjō loosened his limbs while his cold sweat worsened, "Omega?!"

"Where is he at..?"

A muffled laugh echoed through the walls as Omega crashed through beside Enjō. His black hair was covered in blood and the gashes that covered his body grew smaller.


"Your stamina is impressive, but..." A mildly irritated voice echoed as Omega got up and dodged a long fist that destroyed the wall behind. Cold sweat fell down Enjō's face. He grabbed the arm, fire erupting from his hand. It wriggled and bent as it returned to Steele who was walking through the wall. A flame lit again on Enjō's arm and shot a ball of fire at Steele.

Steele winced and morphed into a snake, dodging the fireball. Omega snatched Steele from the ground and started crushing him in his hand before Steele's body erupted with black spikes again, gashing Omega's cheek.

"This is getting..." Steele morphed into a human-like form with tentacles sprouting in each direction. They punched a hole in the ceiling and swiftly climbed up the floating building with Steele.

"He's runnin'! Omega, you—" Enjō reached his hand over to Omega, then noticed his contorted face with tears falling from his eyes. "You..."

Omega flew through the openings Steele made in the ceiling and arrived at the top, where Steele was preparing something.

"This fight is between you...and me..." His laugh covered his grimace, "So let's take care of him." Steele's tentacle turned into a giant scythe towering over him. Enjō caught up to Omega, his arm popping out of the hole into the ceiling.

As Omega dashed toward him, Steele's scythe arm extended and swung around Omega, "There's the mole."

Enjō climbed up to the roof and turned to see the scythe swing in front of his face. Out of pure instinct, his arm blocked his body, and a cold, sharp pain ran through it. Steele's scythe, impaling Enjō's arm, swung him off the building.

The wind blew in his hair as he squinted at Omega, still fighting Steele, "Hey, man... I'm" He plummeted down, his vision darkening.


"You have lost it, Omega," Steele smirked as he retracted his scythe covered in blood. "Now it's time to show you what I was planning to do in the first place."

He groaned as he bloated out into the sky, covering the sunset like a blanket. Omega gasped for air as he flew towards him.

"There's no stopping this, Omega."

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