“ last night you slept with me but came out of the room next door? Ni-ki room was it? ”

He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly and Sunoo had a hard time swallowing his food down. Ni-ki on the other hand smirked remember events of last night.

“ He said you were snoring so loud he couldn't sleep ”

Ni-ki said pointing at the cat looking male who gasped, feeling offended before turning to his best friend expecting some kind of an explanation.

Sunoo as excepted, ignored both of them, concentrating on his boring breakfast and Jungwon couldn't help but scoff.

“ you guys are so rude and mean to me for no reason ”

Ni-ki just shrugged, feeling satisfied by getting on the latter's nerve and Sunoo bluntly ignored his remarks.

“ is your room sound proof? ”

Jungwon asked further and Ni-ki thought
‘ wow this dude really can't shut up ’

“ yh ”

He simply answer with another nonchalant shrug.


Jungwon suddenly exclaimed, but quickly covered his own mouth as soon as he realized what he had just said, feeling disappointed as he saw how tired and frustrated Sunoo looked.

“ is this retarded really your friend hyung? ”

Ni-ki wore a concerned look on his face as he asked his boyfriend, who let out a dramatic sigh and shook his head disapprovingly.

“ I'm rethinking our friendship at this point ”

Sunoo answered in his tired voice only for Jungwon to whine like a spoilt brat.



In the peaceful atmosphere of the library, the only audible noise was the soft rustling of pages and the faint hum of the air conditioning. Seated nearby were two young men, engrossed in their individual study sessions. Suddenly, the older of the two noticed his phone screen illuminating, although it remained silent due to being on silent mode. This unexpected interruption disrupted his focus on his revision.

He let out a gentle sigh upon seeing the sender's name as " mom," quietly muttering under his breath. He then retrieved the phone from the desk and reclined in his chair, feeling the sore muscles of his shoulder stretch.

He opened the chatroom and squinted his eyes at the screen, finding a lengthy paragraph addressed to him.

He sarted reading, already feeling sleepy.

‘ My sweetie pie- ’

He coughed violently after reading the first three words. This drew strange looks from those around him, causing Jungwon to worry and frown. He anxiously observed his hyung trying to suppress his cough discreetly.

“ water? ”

Jungwon handed him a tiny water bottle, observing as he drank it eagerly as if his survival relied on it. Once he had composed himself, he cautiously looked at his surroundings, only to find that people were still gazing at him oddly.

He felt relieved when the strange glances disappeared after a while, but his relief was short-lived as he realized the younger was still observing him with a confused expression.

𝑫𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒊𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆 [ 𝚂𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚒 ]  「 18+」Where stories live. Discover now