ch. 6

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        Next thing I remember is me waking up and checking the time. 8:00pm. I meant to go get my nails done but with everything going on I didnt want to. I see Ezra slumped in between my legs but I don't remember anything after we took the few shots. I wake her up freaking iut because if we had sex I didnt mean for it to happen. "wake up" I phrased. "Did we do something?" I asked. As she gets up I realize my underwear are still off so I put two and two together. I couldn't believe myself. "If you think I brought this bottle just to get you drunk and have sex with you I didnt, you came on to me, if you remember anything." She said. I believed her, that's how I usually get after drinking, even though i couldn't remember anything.
          As we are laying in the bed watching a horr movie I figure this is a good time to tell her about Saylor coming out here. "E?" i says, "yes mama?" she replied "my best friend is coming out here next week and going to stay with me for a while." I says, she looks so mad. she looks sad. she had the look as if someone told her her dog died. "are you upset?" i asked. I hoped not because things are getting too deep with us for her to be mad about my best friend coming. she ends up staying the night, and before i know it im back asleep until 3 knocks at my door at 2 in the morning

"Whos that mama?" E asks, i replied with "idk,
come to the door with me." here is tia with her best friend. what is wrong with this girl? why is she at my door this late at night, WITH the bitch she's been cheating with

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 22 ⏰

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A thin line between love and hate.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ